Argh dammit

Dazzza Posts: 2,364
edited October 2008 in MTB general
Looks like under where my rear shock sits the frame is really cracked. :cry:

I'll probably take all the bits off it to show to the welder to see if he can repair it.

Looks like i'll be going to the gym for a while......

What is the gt i drive marathon like?

Or maybe the intense spider xvp.

Seems you can repair ali but then you have to heat treat the whole fame again, may as well ditch the frame.

What a pita time for this to have happened....

Any suggestions on good frame suppliers bar crc/wiggle/merlin
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.
Giant Anthem X


  • oh no dazz! thats not so gOod matey!
    you going to build up the old hard tail and go Hardcore baby!??!

    how about a delta7 isotruss frame!!!:wink:

    (sorry, have no sensible frame sugestions! )
    After all, I am Cornish!
    Cotic Soul, The bike of Legends!:wink: Yes, I Am a bike tart! ... 1#16297481
  • Dazzza
    Dazzza Posts: 2,364
    Nope, i'll just have to save up a bit and get a new one.

    Currently thinking about a titus racer-x. ... .m63.l1177
    The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.
    Giant Anthem X
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Game over for the frame! Welder may be able to fix it, but usually the frame equires re-heat treating. Any warranty?

    Marathons and Idrive 4 are great short travel XC frames.
  • might as well go balls out dazz and go for the top end Merida96 then! :wink:

    have a nose down the bikebarn matey! got soem very nice Lapierre's and Cube's in! and new 09 stock arriving immenantly! (one of the guys is selling his lappierre so he can get an 09 cube!)
    very nice looking bikes! and not always about the hefty pricetags!
    After all, I am Cornish!
    Cotic Soul, The bike of Legends!:wink: Yes, I Am a bike tart! ... 1#16297481
  • Dazzza
    Dazzza Posts: 2,364
    edited October 2008
    supersonic wrote:
    Game over for the frame! Welder may be able to fix it, but usually the frame equires re-heat treating. Any warranty?

    Marathons and Idrive 4 are great short travel XC frames.

    Nope, it's a tomac before the new owners came along, it's about 3/4 years old anyway.

    I do have a pushed fox float rp23, that'll cover a bit of the costs id imagine, and seeing id get a new shock with the frame anyway.
    The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.
    Giant Anthem X
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Maybe worth checking, some have 5 year frame warranties, and they maybe uphold older frames. Check the Tomac website out and warranty section.
  • Dazzza
    Dazzza Posts: 2,364
    Fraid not, i think joel smith from manitou is the new owner and iirc he won't honour any warranties but he will do his best to sort any problems out.

    Besides the frame was getting on and there were a couple of things i wasn't happy with anyway, oh well.

    Guess i really am going off road now. :lol:
    The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.
    Giant Anthem X
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    I'd certainly demo a marathon. Seem to be out of favour next to the 'in fashion' cubes and lapierres, but still a great pedalling, great traction XC bike.
  • Dazzza
    Dazzza Posts: 2,364
    And here it is, picture of said damage.
    The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.
    Giant Anthem X
  • thats nort so good dazz! odd shaped crack though!!

    oh, btw, opening your image link sent my pop up blocker and virus checker of on a mental session! :?
    After all, I am Cornish!
    Cotic Soul, The bike of Legends!:wink: Yes, I Am a bike tart! ... 1#16297481
  • Dazzza
    Dazzza Posts: 2,364
    Odd it's imageshack and widely used all over.

    You wouldn't be running norton by any chance? ;)
    The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.
    Giant Anthem X
  • no, not norton, AVG and Stopzilla! just went mental lol! blocked partypoker from popping up and wasnt at all happy! (one reason i stopped using image shack a while back)
    After all, I am Cornish!
    Cotic Soul, The bike of Legends!:wink: Yes, I Am a bike tart! ... 1#16297481
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    No probs with AVG here, no pop ups just the pic.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • hmmmmmn, odd!
    After all, I am Cornish!
    Cotic Soul, The bike of Legends!:wink: Yes, I Am a bike tart! ... 1#16297481
  • Imageshack is great for photo hosting.
    I use a Mac at home and don't need popup blockers, antivirus and anti-malware software thanks to Safari and MacOS X, but Imageshack makes it living through popups and adverts.

    Dazzza nasty stress crack there. Obviously it's long term stress that's brought this about, but 3-4 years on a frame is a fine innings by my book!
  • Dazzza
    Dazzza Posts: 2,364
    Well i think part of what caused it is the pushed rp23, it's better at damping so probably put even more strain on the frame that it really wasn't designed for, expensive bike but i still rode it like i stole it. :lol:

    That and my lard arse probably didn't help, not so bad now though as ive lost a fair bit.
    The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.
    Giant Anthem X