Reigate Rd Epsom - Burgh Heath

percusski Posts: 41
edited October 2008 in Road beginners
First post here, lots of great information.
Anyone familiar with this road travelling from Ewell upto Burgh Heath, say Tattenham Way:
Did this as part of a ride today and it's a tough hill (for me).
Anyone know the gradient at it's steepest point?


  • dombo6
    dombo6 Posts: 582
    Probably about 10% max. If you live nearby, try Box Hill which is about a 6% average or 16% Pebblecombe Hill. A few like that with signposted gradients and you'll be able to estimate others quite accurately.
    They never get any easier though, you just go up them faster!
  • Yeah, I know Box Hill well! :lol:
    Just thought Reigate Rd was a good workout, uphill most of the way ending with the steepest part.
    When going uphill do you guys use any psychology to make it easier, for instance I try counting left foot revolutions, two turns = one count. I try to force myself to complete say 10 turns before changing down?
  • dombo6
    dombo6 Posts: 582
    On Box Hill I'll try and chase anybody in front. Very steep ones like a couple of 18-20% horrors near Ranmore and Cranleigh I tend to look just in front of the wheel rather than at what's coming. Going up Tourmalet and Hautacam in the Etape I found myself chanting the Thomas the Tank Engine refrain " I know I can, I know I can...." and counting off the 10ths of a mile on my speedo!
    Riding with a club or just with mates is good as you can pace off each other going up the hills.