Leaving Bikes at Waterloo

neocaligatio Posts: 4
edited October 2008 in Commuting chat
Hi all,

I normally get the train into waterloo, then underground to the other side of London, which takes about 40 mins in the tunnels.

I've just acquired an old road bike that would be perfect for using from Waterloo to work, and I wouldn't be completely distraught if it got trashed or nicked, but my question is this:

If I take it up to London one weekend (as SW trains ban cycles on any service arriving in waterloo past 7.15am!!) could I lock it up on platform 19 at Waterloo and leave it there overnight so that each day I can arrive in waterloo by train and ride to work and back?

Essentially it would be at Waterloo overnight, every night. My concern is that I'll arrive one morning and find security had 'tidied up' over a weekend and cut off all the bikes they think are abandoned.

Any hints?



  • DavidBelcher
    DavidBelcher Posts: 2,684
    I use Waterloo a fair bit, and some of the platforms do have rows of bike racks used in just such a way as you mention. Can't remember if 19 is one of them, though, as Winchester trains usually tend to come in on/go out of 12/13/14.

    "It is not enough merely to win; others must lose." - Gore Vidal
  • Mikelyons
    Mikelyons Posts: 154
    Hi Chris

    when I worked up in the City & caught train to Waterloo, I knew a few people who did just what you describe & none ever had any problems. I used a Brompton, but I did notice
    there were many regulars who left their bikes overnight.

    I think I would replace any quick-release fittings by normal bolts/skewers etc & I'd also check the brakes every time you get back on it.

    Occasionaly, I would see the oocasional bike with an official-looking notice attached - but I guess that could have been cycles not locked in the correct place.

    Good Luck with the plan
  • I did it for a while year or so back, had no problems (although finding a space in the racks in the evening can be a pain)

    When they do a clearout, the bods at Waterloo give plenty of notice, a few weeks at least - putting notices onto bikes that are covered in dust etc - to the ones that are not moved. They can tell...

    I only heard of one nicked bike from there too - it was a pashley old-skool contraption but the owner had locked by the saddle (!). I remember thinking that was a bit foolish, but even then it took a few weeks until the saddle was left swinging sans bike...
  • Right then, seems like a plan!

    Now all I have to do is find the most bike-friendly route from Waterloo to Upper St, Islington!
  • abm
    abm Posts: 74
    I frequently take the Reading train from platform 19 and there are lots of bikes there though not sure there are proper stands. Notices started appearing on bikes about 8 weeks ago (first time I've seen them ) but I didn't discern whether this was all bikes or just the ones looking the least used. I also didn't have the intellectual curiosity to see what the notice said.

    My other thought would be to post on Cyclechat as there is a regular on there who drives for South West Trains - Hackbike6
  • snooks
    snooks Posts: 1,521
    You could always leave it with all the bikes on the stands near the taxis - Safety in numbers, but if you came back a little the worse for wear, you might have trouble finding it again!!!

    or there are bicycle storage racks on halfway along platforms 5 - 6, 11 - 12 and 19.

    if you do use 19 I'll wave at it on the days I get the fast train from that platform :D
    FCN:5, 8 & 9
    If I'm not riding I'm shooting http://grahamsnook.com
    THE Game
    Watch out for HGVs
  • It would probably be on 19, as I get the Windsor and Eton, or Reading trains so they all get in from 16-19... Keep an eye out for a fetching electric blue 80's Dawes!
  • fossyant
    fossyant Posts: 2,549
    Don't forget some good locks. Pinhead skewers or similar will help !
  • itboffin
    itboffin Posts: 20,073
    I take my bike on SW trains all the time arriving 8.45 ish never had a problem, if you do decide to leave a bike in the station a lot of the platforms have bike racks, but be aware SW trains are fitting barriers which might mean they have to remove some or all of the racks.

    Don't even think about using the racks outside, unless you want to get ride of the bike that is.

    As for a route you're spoilt for choice here's one to get you started :wink:

    Rule #5 // Harden The Feck Up.
    Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
    Rule #12 // The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.
    Rule #42 // A bike race shall never be preceded with a swim and/or followed by a run.