Hi, Im new on here, Just bought a new bike!

Mozzarooni Posts: 2
edited October 2008 in XC and Enduro
Hi, After a couple of months of thinking about it ive finally bought a bike to get fitter, Having not been on a bike in nearly 10 years i had no clue what to get, Luckily my best mate bought one a few months back and knows quite abit now, he has a rock hopper pro disc and has been using it a lot and looks well for it, So im jumping on the fitness band wagon and im gonna start going out on rides with him

2 weeks ago i bought a Scott Scale 60 and i love it, Been out on it quite abit the past week or so and im really getting in to it now!

Whats people opinions/thoughts on the Scott Scale 60???



  • ride_whenever
    ride_whenever Posts: 13,279
    generally I'm a big fan of the scott bikes, the frames are really nice, even if they are a touch underspecced. Really good place to start from, particularly once the bug really bites and you begin upgrading!
  • omaha
    omaha Posts: 120
    don't know about the scale 60 but i've got a old scott hardtail frame that i've had from 2001. and i love it i put some nice stuff on it and it's great! takes everything and keeps me smiling.
    so if you've got a big :D on your face, does it really matter, just enjoy!!!!! :lol::lol:
    a bike with round rubbery things
    another bike with springy bits on it
    another bike with too few gears