dream explaining everything

Posts: 137
I had a dream last night. It involved aliens somehow and was rather convoluted, but I remember the two main characters, Lance Armstrong and Greg Lemond. Lemond was a crusading scientist struggling to uncover evidence of alien contamination in human blood (I seem to remember it was their way of either killing us off or spreading themselves around aka the film Alien, sort of), and Lance Armstrong was a shifty character who refused to have his blood tested and was hiding something. Well, I can't remember exactly what happened, and I think everybody died in the end, but I think that sheds new light on the current Armstrong extravaganza - he's not doping, he's just out to destroy humanity. :shock:
I was thinking of posting this in the Race forum, but I doubt anyone there is in the mood for this revelation at the moment. :oops:
I was thinking of posting this in the Race forum, but I doubt anyone there is in the mood for this revelation at the moment. :oops:
Hmmmmm, get to a doctor, seriously :shock:winter beast: http://i497.photobucket.com/albums/rr34 ... uff016.jpg
Summer beast; http://i497.photobucket.com/albums/rr34 ... uff015.jpg0 -
I should stop reading this forum before I go to bed - I wonder what prophetic visions I'll come up with tonight? :?:
Phekdra0 -
Sounds like a perfectly reasonable explanation to me0