Cycle2Work avaiable in your organisation?



  • I'm trying to get it introduced where I work but have met a lot of resistance. HR are not keen - argue it is complicated, has pension implications and they are too busy introducing a number of business critical HR policies so we'll have to wait (forever probably). I'm in a non-ministerial government department - if anyone else is and has the scheme then please let me know - thanks

    There is also resistance from someone powerful in the directors who doesn't want to promote cycling because "it is dangerous" and is worried that the organisation would be held responsible for any accidents :roll: I've explained that it is no different from the organisation "encouraging" people to use public transport with season ticket loans and not being held responsible for any accidents - or for any child being injured in childcare when we give child care vouchers. The said director also says it is unfair because there is no equivalent scheme for cars !!! I explained the green agenda and so she moved to the "Prima" car - assume s/he meant Prius and not the camping stove - though the conversation had gone so far beyond the bounds of sense at this point that I can't be sure...

    I've set up a BUG and three of us are going to do the research ourselves and "present" it to HR so there is no deliberate cheating of the analysis that I fear they might do themselves - and I certainly do not want a Halfools" only scheme!!!
    Pain is only weakness leaving the body
  • doyler78
    doyler78 Posts: 1,951
    From what you say I take you are employed by a government dept of some sort in which case your arguments start along the lines that in adopting the scheme the organisation is helping to implement government policy which is to promote healthier lifestyles, encourage the adoption of measures to reduce the carbon footprint of organisations, a reduction in the general level sickness across the public sector which is much higher than is typical in the private sector.

    Cycling offers a method of doing this and its importance in helping to meet those objections is implicit in its introduction of the cycle to work scheme. Supporting greener car use has environmental benefits however it has no health benefits and does nothing to reduce the level of absenteeism within the organisation.

    A properly constructed hire agreement, which every employee on the scheme will be required to sign, will state that the bike must be properly maintained and if they so desire should state that the employee must obey all road traffic regulations whilst using the bike however it is very clear that cycling to work isn't in work time therefore no liability could arise here. The difficulty arises when the bike is used for work related travel as the employee is engaged in work at that time and therefore this could give rise to liability however the advice which a cycling lobby group (will have to look it up again) has obtained on this is that no corporate responsibility would actually exist however without it actually being tested in the courts it remains a grey, if remote grey, area. The arguments that you have put across in respect of why liability wouldn't arise are perfectly valid and would support the view that any chance of success in suing an organisation would have very little chance of success.

    The fact that many government depts and non governmental organisations, as well as growing number within the private sector, are introducing the scheme tends to lend support to the fact that the scheme is neither complicated nor inherently unfair to other groups of staff. Just looking at this snapshot of users on this forum with this thread shows that more than half of all those that have so far responded have access to the scheme within their organisations.

    From what you say Salary Sacrafice schemes already exist within your organsiation in the form of Childcare Vouchers and as such the mechanism for setting up and doing the salary sacarfice are already in place. There are many standard docs out on the internet which show the hire agreement and salary scarfice agrement for the employee and all the faqs, etc which will be needed so that employees can make informed decisions. Indeed the argument about pensions is valid however the issue itself is no different than for those that are using the childcare vouchers therefore what they are saying is that cyclists can't make informed decisions about their pension unlike those who have made such decisions in respect of childcare vouchers. If anything is inherently unfair within your organisation is that they pick a chose the salary sacrafice that they allow.

    If you need any info on the documents, etc that will necessary for setting up a scheme then feel free to pm as I was part of the group who set our scheme up. We done it over 6 months and done in house ie not using any facilitator and with only half dozen 1 hour meetings. That shows that this isn't particularly complicated. It is about commitment and desire to introduce it and you need to find a senior person who is willing to push it for you. Are there any senior managers or other directors who cycle?

    Good luck anyway.
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    duckson wrote:
    Supposed to be with my company this side of xmas.....i wont say who but its a large global company with a couple of major sites around Preston.

    Duckson - I work in HR for said large company near Preston and at a meeting the other day with our HR outsource provider, they mentioned that it will be launched soon!

    I've got 6 bikes already and often use a plane to get to work, so I guess it has to be a folder then?
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • Doyler 78 - thanks. That's very helpful. There is indeed a senior director (or two) who cycle they just need a prod. I'd be grateful for any forms info you could PM me. We are in the civil service but are supposed to be independent of government - hence no minister) but the Govt policy argument remains valid.

    It's mostly about me finding some time to do the leg work (as it were) and then finding the levers to get HR to give it some time. I'm on the case but your advice is appreciated (Darn - there is no thumbsup emoticon !)

    Pain is only weakness leaving the body
  • Monty Dog wrote:
    duckson wrote:
    Supposed to be with my company this side of xmas.....i wont say who but its a large global company with a couple of major sites around Preston.

    Duckson - I work in HR for said large company near Preston and at a meeting the other day with our HR outsource provider, they mentioned that it will be launched soon!

    I've got 6 bikes already and often use a plane to get to work, so I guess it has to be a folder then?

    Blimey - no wonder you have six bikes - using a plane to commute is one hell of a big carbon footprint that you need to offset :D :twisted:
    Pain is only weakness leaving the body
  • coffeecup
    coffeecup Posts: 128
    My employer has it but with Halfords.

    But Halfords were happy to order outside of their normal stock and I got my Carbon Bianchi C2C and my Dahon MU SL

    BTW - My company charge 10% + VAT for the final settlement to keep the bike.... bummer
    Time you've enjoyed wasting, hasn't been wasted

    Bianchi L'Una, Bianchi 928 C2C 105, Dahon MU SL
  • duckson
    duckson Posts: 961
    Monty Dog wrote:
    duckson wrote:
    Supposed to be with my company this side of xmas.....i wont say who but its a large global company with a couple of major sites around Preston.

    Duckson - I work in HR for said large company near Preston and at a meeting the other day with our HR outsource provider, they mentioned that it will be launched soon!

    I've got 6 bikes already and often use a plane to get to work, so I guess it has to be a folder then?

    Cool.....any ideas how soon is soon? I heard this side of Xmas, realistic? (PM me if you want).
    Cheers, Stu
  • jjojjas
    jjojjas Posts: 346
    yup, I bought my road bike through them.
    I'm in the NHS, it was set up without question once suggested. I'm even getting them to build some bike cages and there looking at staff showers soon I hear.
    it looks a bit steep to me.....