Club Kit Beauty Parade...

sylvanus Posts: 1,125
edited October 2008 in The bottom bracket
I'm beginning to think about designing some kit for a new Road Cycling Club and so I've been looking around at sportives and races for examples of really good-looking club kit. One good source to check is Dennis Sacketts excellent pages of photos that lists 764 (!) clubs:

DGS List of Clubs

I'm well past the days when I could look good in lycra but I'd like to make sure its as beautiful as possible for some of the more svelte and attractive members of the club. I'd be interested in what others think?

Posters on this forum seem to like Agiskoviner, Archer RC and London Dynamo kit. I've always admired the understated lines of the Army CU and Rapha - Condor - Recycling.

Are there others I've missed that are even better (or a lot worse)?
