
martinwf5 Posts: 18
edited October 2008 in Family & kids cycling forum
Hi everyone,

Does anyone know where i can purchase a tandem tag-a-long




  • I'm pretty sure Rutland cycles had one on display in their Grafham Water store when I was there a few weeks ago.
    Northwind wrote: It's like I covered it in superglue and rode it through ebay.
  • Thanks Boris, ive got the website link, but there doesnt seem to be any "online" so i shall give them a ring,

    Many thanks
  • ronkerr
    ronkerr Posts: 20
    I know someone at work who searched for ages before they found one but the last time I was in my LBS they had one - www.fifecycles.co.uk.
    They dont always put everything on their website so if you dont see it, best to e-mail John who owns the shop through the website.

  • Thanks Ronkerr
  • Cunobelin
    Cunobelin Posts: 11,792
    Be careful!

    When the rider moves on the trailer bike, there is a "flick" that transmits to the lead bike.

    This is not unmanageable, but is accentuated by the distance between the joint and the rear rider.

    With two riders then this flick can be a real problem if both decide to move.

    I settled for a Pashley / Cresswell U+2:


    The tricycle format makes it a more predictaable and safer ride.

    Unfortunately they are no longer made, but come up regularly on sites such as this.
    <b><i>He that buys land buys many stones.
    He that buys flesh buys many bones.
    He that buys eggs buys many shells,
    But he that buys good beer buys nothing else.</b></i>
    (Unattributed Trad.)