Doncaster wheelers

John C.
John C. Posts: 2,113
Just a big thankyou. If anyone knows anyone from Doncaster wheelers please can you pass this on to them.

Late on Saturday afteernoon I went out for an hours ride up around the Boltby/White Horse area, the weather was ideal for cycling and the views spectacular. I'd just ridden Boltby bank when a group of about 20 of your club past me in the opposite direction, as I ride a lot on my own I turned around and caught them up, finding out where who etc. I altered my plans and joined them for a wonderful hilly ride over to Ozzy. I would be greatful if you would pass my thanks to the riders I rode with for making a normal training run a ride that I'll remember for a long times. I always ride at my best when I'm pushed, when there is some one in front who is catchable, and although I caught the guy at the front I got the impression he let me catch him. I will remember those 10 miles for a long time many many thanks.

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail
Hills are just a matter of pace
