recovery regime esp. abroad

inaperfectworld Posts: 219
edited September 2008 in Tour & expedition
what sort of thing is recommended, particularly on tour ; mars drink (readily available in english supermarkets)advertises itself as such is this the type of thing? however i couldn't really find much in french supermarkets: some sort of choco drink in a can or yoplait drinking yoghurt. are there powders or gels that could be carried without taking up space and weight. i wondered if a ham sandwich might be a good and tastier choice as it has plenty of protein?


  • andymiller
    andymiller Posts: 2,856
    GoodnessShakes promotes itself as a recovery drink: in fact it conxists of milk plue flavouring. I'd say go for carbs and protein in whatever form you fancy - plus maybe some salt-replacement tablets if you have problem with cramp.
  • There was an article a few months ago (if you search through the fitness and health section of bikeradar you'll find it) that indicated that chocolate milk equalled more expensive proprietary sports recovery drinks for athletes. If you can't buy milk where you are on tour I don't see any reason why condensed milk wouldn't be a good alternative, plenty of protein and good stuff in milk. Beware of some off the shelf yoghurts, if you look at the ingredients list you'll find they have few if any milk solids, they use vegetable based fats along with flavourings and gelatine to make them look milky.

    I find its useful to carry some dioralyte sachets on tour. You should have some as a backup in your medical kit in the event of a dose of the trots, but they are equally good at helping rehydrate after a particularly tough day on the saddle.