Am i Sad??

omaha Posts: 120
edited September 2008 in MTB general
Not been in the best health of late ( had meningitis ) so it means haven't been out on the bike! :( so im bored and my bike's looking at me it's bored too and a little mucky. so i wash it. ok that's Not sad. i dry it , still not sad , i break out the really expensive car polishing stuff and polish it to within a inch of it's life :lol: dam it's shiny 8) Does anyone else do this or im i just very sad??????? and bored and really needed to get out ......... :roll:
a bike with round rubbery things
another bike with springy bits on it
another bike with too few gears


  • strodey
    strodey Posts: 481
    Your very sad, you didn't de grease it first :lol: hope you get to get back out on it soon
    Carbon is a mans best freind
  • stumpyjon
    stumpyjon Posts: 3,983
    You are sad but in good company, I regularly put car polish on mine and have been known roughly once a year to completely strip and clean every part with a tooth brush. Cleaning my bike in the winter can take as long as the ride. :roll:
    It's easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission.

    I've bought a new bike....ouch - result
    Can I buy a new bike?...No - no result
  • omaha
    omaha Posts: 120
    strodey wrote:
    Your very sad, you didn't de grease it first :lol: hope you get to get back out on it soon
    :wink: thats part of washing it....... oh god there's no hope for me :lol:
    a bike with round rubbery things
    another bike with springy bits on it
    another bike with too few gears
  • -liam-
    -liam- Posts: 1,831
    I do !!.....but on my car haha !

    Heres my.......erm....vectra :D lol !

    You are very sad for polishing a bike ;)

  • zero303
    zero303 Posts: 1,162
    Pfffft, I do that and I'm not even injured!
  • Tara911
    Tara911 Posts: 136
    I hope you used the finest Zymol... :wink:
    The futures bright....

    The future is PINK
  • beski
    beski Posts: 542
    It's better than sitting there polishing you helmet :lol:
    Giant Defy 4 2014
    GT Avalanche Expert 2006
    Specialized Hardrock 1989
  • Not sad at all.
    I can easily spend an entire day cleaning, stripping, lubing and playing with the bits (still talking about the bikes btw :lol: ). I can easily spend over an hour just cleaning my cassette!

    Dot 4 in the eye hurts. Trust me
  • haha! i did the same to mine yesterday!
    gave it a proper good clean down, polish, seal and a bit a Nauba wax on top! love it! even did all the hubs and spokes! now that is sad! hahaha! even put some tyre gel on the tyres! = borderline mental!
    (i've been pro cleaning cars since the mid 90's and have a habbit of 'overcleaning' lol!)
    After all, I am Cornish!
    Cotic Soul, The bike of Legends!:wink: Yes, I Am a bike tart! ... 1#16297481
  • Don't forget silicone spray on the tyres to get them 'back to black' :wink: Slidey :lol::lol:

    Dot 4 in the eye hurts. Trust me
  • Darra8
    Darra8 Posts: 721
    My Wife always says i give my bikes more attention than her..and she's right. I tell her that i enjoy being with them more, because they give me less hassle :lol:

    After a dirty ride, i will spend well over an hour cleaning her down, that's the bike, not the Wife!!

    40 year old pussy who "still" hates the thought of falling off!!