Giant nrs rear shock

lastwords Posts: 304
edited September 2012 in MTB workshop & tech

has anyone on hear had any experience with a giant nrs rear shock mine is the giant one with the one air valve and rebound adjuster.

I have some questions;

1. Does the rebound adjuster make a lot of difference as mine only seems to alter slightly

2. has anyone ever had oil in the air chamber or it may have been condensation mixed with grease.

3. has anyone ever used this guide to rebiuld there shock ... ebuild.htm

I took mine apart today because a liquid was coming out of the valve when disconnecting the pump the air chamber has a far amount of liquid in it.

However i did not take the damper apart as shown in the guide, in the guide he removed a screw at the bottom he says there is air in there but i'm not sure if its air or nitrogen.


  • hopper1
    hopper1 Posts: 4,389
    I can't say that the rebound does make much difference. It seems more gadgety than anything else.
    Through past experience, I would say that you need to pay good money for a shock, before you start getting noticeable differences with rebound and damping etc...The NRS shock is nothing like the Ohlins unit I have on my M/bike!!
    I haven't ever noticed fluid of any description where it shouldn't be.
    I just had a quick look at the link you posted. I'm not sure I would venture there, without a little more information.
    Getting the wrong amount of oil, or wrong SAE will/ could f**k it right up, causing hydraulic lock, or soggy ride, etc... Then you'd need another seal kit, to try again!
    Start with a budget, finish with a mortgage!
  • thanks for the reply i am hoping the liquid was just a build up of condensation as it was very runny, i pushed the shock in and out several times with the air can off and no oil came out of the rebound assembly.

    My rebound adjuster does not make much difference.

    The shock is smooth and does not leak air it is just a bit of a pogo if i drop of somthing like a curb sitting down
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675
    if it is POGOing of a curb it needs a service.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • hopper1
    hopper1 Posts: 4,389
    You say it's pogoing!
    Is the shock set up correctly, ie: Have you set it up for sag, or no sag?
    My NRS! is about 2½ years old, and since it's original set up, I have had no problems, at all (touch wood!).
    Mine is set up without sag. It is very firm (obviously), until it hits some good tracks, but works very well.
    If you haven't done it, then I would recommend you take some tie to set it up for your weight and riding style.
    The only down side with this bike is the lack of 'meaningful' rebound adjustment, and a weak front fork. But, I did get it for half price (new), so can't complain, too much.
    Start with a budget, finish with a mortgage!
  • if i turn rebound to full it will drop off curb and return to full extension once but it does it really fast.

    I have tried it with zero sag once but it was a very hard ride so i have been running a little bit of sag, might have to try it again.
  • hopper1
    hopper1 Posts: 4,389
    As long as your shock compresses, when you drop of the curb, then returns to normal position immediately, without further movement, then that sounds ok to me.
    If it didn't return to 'normal' quickly, it might not be ready for the next hit, which would render it as useless!
    Pogoing, to me, is when the shock bounces several times before settling at it's normal position.
    Screw your rebound fully in (Max), then back it out all the way (Min), counting the turns.
    Screw it in all the way again, and then back it out half way, check to see if it slows the rebound any, then experiment from there. Though, you already know that there's not much difference!
    I know that the 'no sag' setting is quite harsh (same as a hard tail), but it does work when it hits something. I believe Giant recommend the 'no sag' setting.
    Start with a budget, finish with a mortgage!
  • thanks according to that its not pogoing it returns once. i am going on my local ride tomorrow i think i will set it to zero sag and see how it goes.
  • I set the bike up with zero sag it took 195psi in the shock whilst in position 2 to get it there i weigh 12 stone but probably a bit more with all my kit on.

    Did my local route and the bike was definatly quicker up the hills etc but you could feel all the bumps and it only used a tiny bit of travel.

    I might try it next time in position 1 because it should require less air pressure in that position and see how that feels
  • hopper1
    hopper1 Posts: 4,389
    I'm a long way away from my bike at the mo, so can't check to be certain, but I'm sure I only use +/- 160psi, on Pos. 2, I'm around 74kgs, so your pressure may be a little too high. Hence the small amount of travel used.
    The book is only a rough guide, really, now that you can see that it is actually working, bleed the pressure off, bit by bit, until you start using more stroke, whilst still keeping minimum (zero) sag.
    It is well worth taking the time to get it right.
    I'll be back home next week, so will check my settings and put them up in here.
    Start with a budget, finish with a mortgage!
  • ok will do that thankyou for your help
  • Went out today same ride but with shock in position 1 with 140psi to get zero sag as per manual and the difference is amazing.

    The bike has good small bump sensitivity and it soaks up the bigger hits, its not half as harsh as position 2 with zero sag. Also the bike feels like it accelerates really quickly and goes uphill better.

    Interestingly the rebound damper seems to have a greater effect than before

    im now really pleased with the way it feels and i thankyou for your advise
  • hopper1
    hopper1 Posts: 4,389
    :oops: :oops:
    Glad that it's all sorted out and working fine, now.
    Enjoy the trails..... :D:D:D
    Start with a budget, finish with a mortgage!
  • hopper1
    hopper1 Posts: 4,389
    I've just checked my settings (written on the garage wall!)
    Position 1: 115psi
    Position 2: 155psi
    Compresion: 4 turns out (anti clockwise) from max (fully in).
    Forks: 45psi
    Rebound: 6 turns out.

    I'm 11.5 stone (74kgs).
    You maybe able to back off your pressure a little more, and still have zero sag.
    Start with a budget, finish with a mortgage!
  • lastwords
    lastwords Posts: 304
    This morning i weighed myself before going out for a ride with all my kit on i weigh 81kg i have rechecked the pressure and it definatly is 140psi in position 1, any less and it starts to sag.

    Not sure where the rebound is set i just did the curb test to set it.

    It strange that mine requires what seems like a lot more pressure than yours yet im only slightly heavier.
  • hopper1
    hopper1 Posts: 4,389
    I didn't allow for my kit when I set it up!
    I overlooked that... :oops:
    But, my shockstill works at those settings.
    Don't worry about it, as long as your bikes working, then all well and good.
    Start with a budget, finish with a mortgage!
  • lastwords
    lastwords Posts: 304
    went out today up peak district and i can confirm the damper is definatly not working, on big rocky sections it was making a terrible topping out noise :( , and turning the adjuster to full made no difference.

    So i think im going to get a new shock
  • Hello i bought a Giant Nrs frame from 2004 8 years old rearshock as far as i know never serviced.
    what can happen when it packs together adn goes to it´s eternal sleep?

    what is the worst thing that can happen to my bike if i´m in the woods on trials or if i´m on a gravel road or something? the bushiongs where it connects is done for there is some i don´t know the english word for it but it feels like it´s loose even if it is tighten as hard as i can.
    and i can´t change those neither as it seems none of the LBS either some don´t have the toosl for it other don´t even wanna touch the issue.
    it leaves me with the feel of shit what happens when it brakes down completely how expensive can it get?

    best regards

    i´m 107kg heavy without my biking gear add 3-4kg´s tot hat
    i wonder how many psi shall my rearshock have?
    and my front suspension?
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    Petri73 wrote:
    what can happen when it packs together adn goes to it´s eternal sleep?
    I think this thread has arisen from it's eternal sleep.
    Probably just the bushings - check BETD or TF Tuned website.
    I don't do smileys.

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