I should have done this YEARS ago!!!

RSV_Ecosse Posts: 237
edited September 2008 in Road beginners
Bought a roadbike I mean. 8)

A load of folk at work were getting bikes on the Cyclescheme and I pondered the idea and then forgot about it.

Then my best mate, who has been an MTB addict for years, got a Bianchi B4P on the Cyclescheme at his workplace.

He was badgering me to get one so we could go out on rides together but I kept putting it off.

Eventually a few months ago, I set the Cyclescheme wheels in motion and applied.

Had a search for advice around these and a couple of other forums and finally decided on a Pinarello FP1 ( mainly 'cause it looked drop dead gorgeous when I first clapped eyes on it :D ).

I finally picked it up two weeks ago and I can honestly say I've been out on it at every opportunity I have had since. 8)

Can't believe I didn't do this years ago, I'm seriously hooked!!. Never been on a road bike since my early teens and I'm 36 now.

I'm using it to commute to work which is a 16 mile run with a few steep climbs along it, and so far I'm managing it in just under an hour at an average speed of about 15mph.

Did my first 20 mile ride today as I had a day off work. Managed that in 1 hour 18 mins at pretty much the same average speed.

Now looking for some solid training advice on how to progress which I'm sure I will find here on the forums.

So to all those who have replied to my threads on here and gave advice, THANKS!!!!!

I'll be here for the duration now, so be prepared for some more daft questions. :P
Ethernet (noun): Something used to catch the etherbunny.
Road : Pinarello FP1 | MTB : Cube Acid 2010


  • 16 mile ride in just under an hour at 15mph...my head hurts :shock:

    Seriously though, well done...I did my first 20 miles last night, did it in 1.25 or something....stupid red lights!
  • chuckcork
    chuckcork Posts: 1,471
    Just riding to work everyday will be pretty solid training in itself, particularly if you actually do do it everyday.
    'Twas Mulga Bill, from Eaglehawk, that caught the cycling craze....
  • Mettan
    Mettan Posts: 2,103
    Yep, there's little substitue for time on the bike - and a 16 mile commute will provide an excellent opportunity to improve your aerobic fitness, and build towards longer distance training rides in the future.
  • Yep, at first the prospect of the 32 mile commute there and back was a little daunting, but having done it a few times now it's getting easier every session.

    Should I just plug away at the commute intersped with training sessions on my days off of the current 20 miles for a couple of weeks and then add maybe another 5 miles on at a time?. My main goal is to increase my aerobic fitness, stamina and endurance in as short a time as possible. I'm certainly not going to rush it and do anything silly, or even overtrain, but I'm so entusiastic just now it's kinda hard to curb the need to get out in the saddle. :lol:

    The only niggle I'm experiencing at the moment is lower back ache after maybe 10-15 miles. If I stand up on the pedals and stretch off, it goes away for a bit then returns though. I don't know if that's anything to do with the geometry of the bike or not, my LBS set it up for me and they seemed to think it was pretty spot on for my frame and build but said to keep an eye on things and adjust if necessary.

    I'll start a seperate thread on that subject, after I've ran a search through the forums for info.
    Ethernet (noun): Something used to catch the etherbunny.
    Road : Pinarello FP1 | MTB : Cube Acid 2010
  • gtitim
    gtitim Posts: 225
    Hi RSV, welcome to the joy of road cycling, I remember when I first had a proper go on a road bike, I was Woohoo-ing my way down the road.

    The commute you are doing sounds good, I do around 17 miles each way to work, its a good distance.

    With regards to the lower back pain, I had that a lot to begin with, mostly on one side, I think I just got used to riding and it went away. Did you have your bike properly fitted or was it an internet purchase?
  • I'm fairly sure lower back pain is caused by "core strength" do loads of sit ups to improve your stomach muscles and it should get better.....apparently!
  • if you pm me your e-mail i've got a fairly full on core stability workout that doesn't take too long.
  • nickcuk
    nickcuk Posts: 275
    Build bit of interval training into the routine - short bursts of speed, increasing in duration and/or frequency as your recovery time improves.
  • Cheers guys.

    @gtitim......Funny you should mention "on the one side" as thats what has been happening mostly. Been getting it on the left hand side lower back, and then the next time it can switch to right hand side for no apparent reason.

    @ride_whenever.....cheers, I would be interested in that workout.

    You have a PM. 8)
    Ethernet (noun): Something used to catch the etherbunny.
    Road : Pinarello FP1 | MTB : Cube Acid 2010
  • As nicuk suggests, build in intervals.

    I started similarly to you 6 months ago. My commute is an undulating 12 miles e.w. (260m climbing). I treat the hills as intervals (there are 5 hills of around 500 - 1500 metres), and over the months gradually pushed up these in a higher gear out of the saddle. I do the commute only 2 - 3 times per week, so this means I don't overdo it on the intervals. I also do one longer ride a week - started at 20 miles, and increased it gradually - now anywhere from 50 - 90 miles depending on time available.

    Since doing this, I have gone from 92kg to 78kg, and my journey time from 50 minutes to 35 minutes (mainly rural commute). If I can do it, so can you. The only thing I would say is that the experts advise interval training only be done 2 - 3 times per week to avoid overtraining problems.

    I also recommend Guy Andrews' book 'The Cyclists Training Manual'. Very easy to follow, not too technical.

    Like you, I can't wait to get on my bike whenever I can - I only wish I had done it at your age and not left until I was 41 - by the time you are my age, you'll be getting golds in the big European sportives.
    Fat Bloke On A Bike
  • ARob
    ARob Posts: 143
    nickcuk wrote:
    Build bit of interval training into the routine - short bursts of speed, increasing in duration and/or frequency as your recovery time improves.

    what nickcuk says.

    i use my 8 mile commute for either recovery ride (nice and slow), intervals and sprints, or full on, head down charge depending on mood and recent rides. makes the world of difference as weekend rides tend to be the longer type or with a club which is fun but not as good for training.

    well done for joining the road bike club! just ot bhe hard core mtb but road is much more fun, faster and go further. keep going and you'll really feel the difference. 6 months and you'll add 1-2 mph to your average.
  • markos1963
    markos1963 Posts: 3,724
    As others have said build in intervals and recovery riding to your commutes and leave your weekend riding for longer distance training. I to have a 16 mile commute and do this sort of thing, at the start of the year I could barely ride 20 miles without collapsing but by gradually adding 10% to my distance each week I'm now doing 60m+ rides every week.
    Well done for taking the plunge and remember to keep having fun.