Punctures – Is this normal?

1981. Posts: 270
edited October 2008 in Workshop
I've got a 24mile round trip commute (all weathers, twice, three times a week), and seemingly pick up at least one puncture every time I ride!

Is this even normal?

Changed my route to take mostly decent roads (before included a tow-path blast) and obviously try to avoid really ratty roads, keep out of the muck etc. but just checked my bike after yesterday's ride and now the back's gone down!

Purchased some Continental-Grand-Prix-4000 hoping "Vectran" wasn't marketing spin but I don't seem to be having any luck with them either.

Normally running 700x23c @ 100-110psi.

Any suggestions would be more than welcome! I can't afford the continue cycle (excuse the pun) of patching, purchasing and throwing tubes.



  • Check that there's nothing left in your tyres, than check again. The smallest things can cause a puncture and be complete ar5eholes to find. Also check the inside of the rim for protruding spokes.

    Are the punctures on the outside or inside of the tube?
    Carlsberg don't make cycle clothing, but if they did it would probably still not be as good as Assos
  • Doesn't sound very normal to me. It might be worth checking round the inside of of your wheels if you haven't already done so. When you put the new tyre back on after a puncture, before you re-inflate the tyre, go round the wheel checking that the tube is not caught between the tyre wall and the rim by squeezing the walls of the tyre in.

    You might also try putting a liner between your tyre and your inner tube. I have used the Panaracer inserts, and the slime tyre liners, and both have been successful - I've had about 5 punctures in the last 8000 miles :D

    Will probably get about 8000 punctures in the next 5 miles after saying that though :(
    We are all full of weakness and errors; let us mutually pardon each other our follies - it is the first law of nature.
  • 1981.
    1981. Posts: 270

    Last weeks flat was on the front, think I tore the sidewall on a pothole, changed my route to avoid pothole!

    Haven't checked the back yet, but will try to find any culprits lurking!

    Right, I guess the only thing to do is try out some liners – better that than nothing!
  • Don't bother with liners, just get some Schwalbe Marathon Plus and you will never have another puncture (unless you happen to run over a bed of nails or something).

    My route to work goes right through the heart of the dodgier bits of Bristol and is STREWN with glass, and before I bought them I was getting at least 2 punctures a week. I was so depressed I thought about giving up cycle commuting. Bought some M+'s and in six months I have had no punctures, none, zero, zilch.

    Sure they're heavy but I can live with doing 1mph less for the peace of mind and the extra time I have now that I don't have to waste it mending punctures! Also I've stopped carrying puncture repair stuff and a spare tube etc so that's nice.
  • teagar
    teagar Posts: 2,100
    virtuoso wrote:
    Don't bother with liners, just get some Schwalbe Marathon Plus and you will never have another puncture (unless you happen to run over a bed of nails or something).

    My route to work goes right through the heart of the dodgier bits of Bristol and is STREWN with glass, and before I bought them I was getting at least 2 punctures a week. I was so depressed I thought about giving up cycle commuting. Bought some M+'s and in six months I have had no punctures, none, zero, zilch.

    Sure they're heavy but I can live with doing 1mph less for the peace of mind and the extra time I have now that I don't have to waste it mending punctures! Also I've stopped carrying puncture repair stuff and a spare tube etc so that's nice.

    *waits for the sound of Virtuso's tyre hissing* :twisted:
    Note: the above post is an opinion and not fact. It might be a lie.
  • M+'s are so good that the pixie's that make them in magic tyre land sprinkle them with a fine layer of special pixie dust that makes them immune from the curse of talking about punctures on internet forums.
  • Average roads I'd expect maybe a puncture every couple of thousand miles using race or training tyres - sometimes you get a run of them though and it can be bad luck, a worn tyre or something causing the tubes to puncture such as spokes through the tape.

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • Yeah sponds like something embedded in your tire - these can be tiny and a bugger to spot, either that or dodgy rim tape.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Sound v dodgy to me. As pops says - you can get a run of them by bad luck - but this sounds ridiculous. Can you mark the rim and tyre when you find the puncture and then check that part in fine detail ? And how are you riding - do you sit in the saddle like a sack of spuds or something ?
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    Sounds like a wheel problem but who can say. I would suggest that you try
    a set of "Tufo" tubular clinchers. They are unaffected by rim and tube problems(burrs, bad tape, pinch flats). Check the "Tufo" website for a better look at this type of tire.
    If you don't want to go that way I think Bontrager makes a, so called, flat proof tube.
    Heavy as hell and about 4 times a thick as a regular tube but if it works.
    Years ago i remember being on a two day ride and having so many flats that I hit the
    sag wagon early the second day. Just out of patches, tubes, and patience. It was happening to everyone. It was found out later that the area we were in had been using
    some sort of experimental paving material that included ground up glass. So anything is
    possible. Good luck.

    Dennis Noward
  • I'd check for embedded wires which can protrude through the tire carcass. Run your fingers round the inside of the tire several times (and from both L + R sides). Also check the sidewalls of both tires & the tread. Does the tire have any holes in it anywhere, for example from bits of embedded glass? Then double check the position of the rim tape around all spoke holes but especially around the valve hole. Also check that the tube isn't caught between the tire upon inflation...
  • Dustine
    Dustine Posts: 184
    I had a run of punctures a while back. After careful checking of where the actual punctures were on the tube, i discovered they were on the inside. I was using the plastic rim tape- i changed to the stick-on cloth type and havent had the same problem since.

    I commute about 100 miles per week on back roads, really 'knee-deep-in-flints-and-crap' type roads, on 23mm tyres. I can get 1 puncture per week for three weeks, then nowt for 4 months. It goes like that. I certainly dont get 2000 miles between punctures like someone said, though!!!
  • Cunobelin
    Cunobelin Posts: 11,792
    This may sound sad and obsesive, but it works!

    When you fit the tyre carefully align the label of the tyre with the valve.

    Using a felt tip marker then mark the inner tube so it always fits in the same way each time.

    That way you can relate the p*nct*re position with the tyre and / or rim.

    Then you know exactly where to look for the offending cause (saving time on the road) and can identify missed causes if the same position occurs again at the same site.
    <b><i>He that buys land buys many stones.
    He that buys flesh buys many bones.
    He that buys eggs buys many shells,
    But he that buys good beer buys nothing else.</b></i>
    (Unattributed Trad.)
  • nickcuk
    nickcuk Posts: 275
    .... Run your fingers round the inside of the tire several times...

    Done that without thinking and regretted it ! Easy to find the hard sharp object when you only have to follow the drips of blood back to where they start.
  • W5454
    W5454 Posts: 133
    This may be ott but when the Conti Ultra Gatorskins on my road bike were worn out I put them inside inside the Michelin City 700 x 28s on my commuter bike.
    No more p***tures. :lol:
  • 1981.
    1981. Posts: 270
    Thanks for all the replies, sorry I didn't respond (stupid email subscribe thing).

    Fixed a left over flat last night, patched it, put the wheel back, pumped up the tyre and pfffft. Yet another flat.

    Right, first step I'm going to take the wheels apart (although most flats seem on the outside), then look at the Slime tyre tape and as a last resort some nice new tyres.

    This is beginning to get me down.
  • 1981.
    1981. Posts: 270
    Sorry to bring this up again, but do the Slime Tyre Tape fit 23 wheels? The seemingly only fit 28 – any alternatives would be gratefully received.
  • I just use a cheapo rim tape lining my generic alloy wheels running on vittoria rubinos (£16 a pair inc inner tubes). Just had my first puncture in 10 months down to the tires being heavily worn. I'm a 15st rider on 25mm tires @ 140psi riding through the glass ridden streets of manchester.

    Previous tyres were some kenda contenders, might as well have ridden straight on the innertubes, all the use they were. Try new tyres?
    Road: 2006 Trek 1500
    Off: 2009 Carrera Fury

    I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness.