What a nice morning!

Phekdra Posts: 137
edited September 2008 in Road beginners
I'd forgotten what blue sky looked like! :D Well, it took a while to find it as I set out at 6:15 in the frigid, foggy darkness wearing just about every bit of cycling gear I own to keep warm. Then a puncture repair, observed by a cat who didn't even offer to help and some further mishaps, such as my rear light coming off and cracking, and getting blood all over my left shifter after somehow cutting myself whilst brushing grit off the tyre...

Then... up to the highest hill in the area and into blue sky, where I startled some cows whilst watching the fog rolling down the valley below and eating a flapjack. What a beautiful view - I keep meaning to bring a camera with me on my rides.

Chilly, bright and dry... I love Autumn cycling. :D

Now I just have to go and clean the blood off the bar tape, and order a pair of 3/4 length tights.



  • ris
    ris Posts: 392
    it wasn't sunny here in chippers when i went out at 8-ish, nice chill to the air to encourage the legs. i went to the pool first for some laps and got on the bike pretty damp so it took time to build up some heat. once i had it was quite pleasant.

    it's half marathon day here, the weather is probably spot on - dry, brisk without being cold once you are moving and little wind. i'm almost disappointed i didn't sign up for it.

    Phekdra, it's great looking down on the mist from the top isn't it? the autumn /. spring mist-filled valley at box is stunning from the top near corsham.
  • Coriander
    Coriander Posts: 1,326
    Phekdra wrote:
    and order a pair of 3/4 length tights.Phekdra

    Excellent idea - there's something incredibly sexy about men in 3/4 tights. :wink:
  • chuckcork
    chuckcork Posts: 1,471
    Raining when I got up, raining when I went out, raining through the club spin, still raining out there now.
    'Twas Mulga Bill, from Eaglehawk, that caught the cycling craze....
  • Phekdra
    Phekdra Posts: 137
    Coriander wrote:
    Excellent idea - there's something incredibly sexy about men in 3/4 tights. :wink:

    Gosh - I'll have to remember that next time I go out! :D

    RIS - looks like a lovely area, with some pretty nasty gradients if multimap is on the ball. Nothing quite that vertical here, or at least nothing I've had the nerve to attempt. Having my rear wheel spin under me whilst floundering up a couple of 16%s the other week has put me off anything of Angliru steepness for the time being.

  • Lagavulin
    Lagavulin Posts: 1,688
    Was a bit gloomy and close when I set off and a little chilly. Went with a l/s baselayer, l/s jersey, shorts and knee warmers and full fingered gloves.
    After about 90 mins or so the sun came out to play - not what was forecast. I was really enjoying myself, felt good but had to be back for lunch by 12:15. :(
    Hope there's more of this to come. Might make up for the sodden summer.

    Only regret not setting off earlier and not taking the posh bike.
  • milton50
    milton50 Posts: 3,856
    I love that description, Phekdra. There's nothing better than an early morning climb on a bright day, looking out over the rolling fields and meadows below and thinking: I conquered this! :)
  • Really nice in South London/Surrey, I regretted driving to work with a hangover this morning.
  • Phekdra
    Phekdra Posts: 137
    Lagavulin wrote:
    Only regret not setting off earlier and not taking the posh bike.

    Ah, the stunning Izoard? I think if I had one of those I'd be too scared to take it anywhere in case it got scratched...

    Very nice! 8)

  • pdstsp
    pdstsp Posts: 1,264
    Great ride yesterday in the sun (i think thats what its called) and today watched the tob go past my house and then out for an hour and a half in the sun (ish) again. Can't see why we ever moan about the weather
  • I went out for a walk this morning. Would be perfect day for a ride I thought. Then remembered all my kit is still in the wash. Could have cried....
    jedster wrote:
    Just off to contemplate my own mortality and inevitable descent into decrepedness.
    FCN 3 or 4 on road depending on clothing
    FCN 8 off road because I'm too old to go racing around.
  • johncp
    johncp Posts: 302
    I went out for a walk this morning. Would be perfect day for a ride I thought. Then remembered all my kit is still in the wash. Could have cried....

    All your kit is in the wash :?: :?: :?: You obviously don't have your priorities right, there should be more than enough kit to cope with riding twice a day for a week without recourse to the washerwoman (or "wife" as she's usually known, and no, she doesn't read this forum :lol: )

    And with women who think like this "Excellent idea - there's something incredibly sexy about men in 3/4 tights" maybe you should start with some 3/4 tights :shock: :lol:. I know I will
    If you haven't got a headwind you're not trying hard enough