Gone clipless but feel more fatigued

Mojosdad Posts: 3
edited September 2008 in Commuting chat
After a lay-off from the bike of several years I decided to pick it up again. Have been commuting for the last 8 weeks (lurking here during this time) increasing the distance from a direct 2 miles to a less direct (but more enjoyable) 10 to 12 miles.

I would complete this longer distance without feeling particularly tired (and on occasion would put in a 20 burst on a turbo if I commuted in the car and came home late), so as a treat to myself for putting the effort in (not much compared to some of you guys I know, but small victories...) I bought some SPD shoes and pedals. The shoes seem to fit fine and the pedal feel is good.

So after the first week of this set-up why do I now feel much more tired when I finish my ride? The speed is about the same but my legs feel much heavier at the end and this is also happening on the shorter routes. Even though I have always used toe-clips which are a bit of a half-way house, are the SPD pedals making me use completely different muscles than before which will take some getting used to?


  • sc999cs
    sc999cs Posts: 596
    It could be different muscle groups as you're pulling up as well as pushing down. However after a few rides I'm sure you won't notice any more. :D
    Steve C
  • linsen
    linsen Posts: 1,959
    I ha dthe same problem when I started clipping in, and I would say that I am wearier after using them than pootling along on my old donkey, but I think I push myslef more because I can go so much faster now. You do use very different muscles, and it does get better. I'm putting clipless on my mtb too now
    Emerging from under a big black cloud. All help welcome