What bike to use in Coed

Mr*Paul Posts: 33
edited September 2008 in MTB rides
Hi, I am going to Coed for the first time in two weeks time ! and I am after some advice ? I have two bikes a Santa Cruz Bullit for the big stuff and a Santa Cruz 4X which is built up into a heavy duty 130mm XC/trail bike. I don't know what is the more appropriate bike to ride around Coed; Wales ? Can anyone tell me which would be the most fun, as I don't know what kind of riding to expect, i.e. how much climbing or what the downhills are like or am I going to need to pack body armour etc. etc.


  • dave_hill
    dave_hill Posts: 3,877
    If you're a reasonably experienced rider, I wouldn't really describe CyB as difficult - but it is long.

    The problem with CyB is that the single-track bits are nearly all along and down, linked with really long boring sections of fireroad and tarmac climbing - in my mind it's too much effort for too little reward if you tackle The Beast circuit.

    I would say that the two most technical sections on The Beast are "Gomez" and "Morticia", but they aren't really long and I've tackled both on my old Giant VT without any problems.

    That said, the beauty of CyB is it's layout - the visitor centre is more or less slap-bang in the middle with the routes radiating out around it. That means that you can do lots of loops and keep nipping back for refreshments, repairs, etc., if you want.

    As for body armour, etc. - don't bother with full-on DH style jackets, if you're reasonably competent a pair of knee-and-shins should be enough. I wouldn't even bother with a full-face lid, either.
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  • Oh ? looks like the big bike and kit will have to stay all packed away a little longer until France next year then , I'll fire up the old 4X and XC legs by the sounds of it ! thanks for the advice I'll just take some shin n elbow guards with me then oh and possibly a good novel for the fire roads ?