
jdp Posts: 26
edited September 2008 in MTB general
Well i've somehow managed to stick my index finger through the spokes after I spun the wheel to see if the wheel was straight :oops:
I've managed to rupture one of the tendons in my finger and it's in splint for at least 6 weeks!! Apparently it's called mallet finger??

Anyone else managed this stupidity?? :x


  • Nodnol
    Nodnol Posts: 168
    That was clever. :P

    Never been that stupid, but while fiddling with my front mech (while the bike was upside down), I spun the rear wheel to make sure the chain flowed ok, only to be met by a face full of filfty water from my tires. Anyway, it seemed like I could idea, but due to my hands being busy, I stopped the tire with my forehead. :lol:

    Was awkward trying to explain at work why I had black rubber marks on my head!
  • yeah ive had a bit of tire burn on the forehead!!
    "My life is like a porno-movie, without the sex".
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    Cable stab from frayed cables. Non bike related but stupid none the less, I replaced the batteries in one of those automatic air fresheners and looked at the nozzle while pressed the test button :oops: . I smelled nice though
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • maximus69 wrote:
    yeah ive had a bit of tire burn on the forehead!!

    LMFAO! :D Sorry, I just find that totally humerous...
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    When I was on a machining course many many moons ago, some idiot didn't understand why the milling bits looked as though they were were standing still, when rotating at a certain speed (multiples of 50rpm for the intrigued, otherwise impreceptible strobing effect of lighting masks the movement of the spinning blade).

    So, what does he do? he jabs the spinning blade with his finger, cue massive scream, and blood everywhere..

    Now, you could sort of understand how that might happen, what with it looking totally still and all, except, he then did it again straight away, with another finger :roll:
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,673
    i have seen a finger gone from Lawn mover blades, a thumb from a blow shotgun barrel failing, and the best a burnt nose from a welding torch.

    Oh and bike rotors are very likely to cause a lot of pain.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • I was once messing on with my bike in the garden, just oiling stuff and what not, i went to take it for a quick spin around, just to make sure it was smooth, thing is, i'd taken the saddle of the seatpost to clean it as it was creaking, but as i 'mounted up' i'd forgotten that, and as you can imagine - OUCH!

    My lass came out to see what the screams were about and said "christ, you really do love your bike".
  • miss notax
    miss notax Posts: 2,572

    Now that's hilarious - I almost spat coffee all over my PC :D
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the number of moments that take your breath away....

    Riding a gorgeous ano orange Turner Burner!

    Sponsor the CC2CC at
  • stumpyjon
    stumpyjon Posts: 3,983
    Was working next to a bloke about 12 years ago when he castrated himself. Picture a massive electric motor (2ft across) with a shaft sticking out of it. The shaft was rusty and needed sanding back to bare metal. He thought he'd do it the easy way and turn the motor on and just hold the sandpaper over the shaft.

    Problem was he got too close and the keyway in the end of the shaft which grabbed his overalls. The motor then promptly ripped his overalls off him removing all dangly things at the same time.

    I went outside and waited to direct the ambulance in :cry:

    Week later another guy gassed himself ny putting his head in a bucket of sulphuric acid. I left soon after that :shock: .

    Chainsaws are another good one for accidents, especially if you catch the tip on a tree or fence post. The moving chain effectively runs up the tree flinging the the saw straight into your face. Didn't see this one happen but saw what was left of the guys helmet afterwards. Luckily the helmet had a long visor so the blade stopped before it got too far into his face.
    It's easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission.

    I've bought a new bike....ouch - result
    Can I buy a new bike?...No - no result
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    stumpyjon wrote:
    Luckily the helmet had a long visor so the blade stopped before it got too far into his face.
    I didn't realise there was a "just far enough" alternative when getting a chanisaw in the face :shock:
  • stumpyjon
    stumpyjon Posts: 3,983
    It only mashed up the fleshy bit, didn't penetrate into his brains (may not have noticed though :twisted: ).
    It's easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission.

    I've bought a new bike....ouch - result
    Can I buy a new bike?...No - no result
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665

    I knew what you meant, really, it's just that a chainsaw in the face is, well, a chainsaw in the face.
    It's not better than a kick in the teeth! :lol:
  • redvee wrote:
    I replaced the batteries in one of those automatic air fresheners and looked at the nozzle while pressed the test button :oops: . I smelled nice though

    :lol: I laughed out loud at work and everyone is looking at me... great tails...
    09 - Santa Cruz Heckler
    03 - Trek 8500
    95 - P7 (Dead, but I loved it)
    Year dot - Alpine Stars CR300 - Still going strong...
  • Bike related, removing pedals that were seized, when the right one eventually freed off, I impailed my palm on the large chainring! Still got the scars and it must be 15 years ago at least.

    Not biking related, cooking on a Trangia methylated spirits stove, finished cooking and decided to stand over it and blow it out.
    Wooooof, face full of burning meths, no eyebrows or eyelashes and a strange smell. Luckily I was wearing a Wooly hat!
  • re the mallet finger question - yes! I had it earlier this year after a drunken scuffle with a work colleague - didn't realise until the morning. Similar to you, I was told 6 weeks, but had a long weekend booked in Morzine in 4 weeks time, and it stood up to my 'hanging on for dear life' grip for a few days.

    This will amuse many, but they made me go to a hand therapy clinic for a few weeks for physio. Feel a bit of a plonker walking in there with one finger slightly bent as the tendon is not up to straightening it out...
    ride your bike like a kid whilst you still can

    Transition Blindside =
  • when i broke my arm i was in the waiting room talking to a post man that had lost 3 fingers in a snappy letter box, i couldnt help but laugh at that :( :oops:
    2 Broken fingers broken again... F@$%^£g hell that hurt!!!

    92% of teenagers have turned to rap. If your one of the 8% that still listens to real music put this in your sig.
  • going on a ride with a bent mech hanger and a bodged up rear mech - ended up needing a new mech, new mech hanger and a new spoke and I had to half carry my bike a few miles to the nearest bike shop...

    I once stabbed downwards on a piece of wood with a swiss army knife (long blade, very sharp) which promptly closed onto my hand leaving me in a bit of a pickle... (to say the least) - 5 stitches and lots of blood...

    i laughed at the air freshener one!
    Hardtails aren't called hardcore for no reason

    Giant STP:
    Spesh Hardrock:
  • Not bike related, i was working on my rather splendid 1968 180cc Vespa Rally, i was in my shed, it was winter so the door was closed, and i decided to start it up to make sure it was firing properly, needless to say, i started to feel abit light headed and passed out, luckily i fell against the door and woke myself up when i split my head open on a rake.
  • hehehe i've had mallat finger from playing rugby. tore the tendons in my little finger and it just hung as though it wasnt connected :D
    i was told i'd be out for a few weeks for it to heal....but imagin telling my rugby mates "i can play cus i've hurt my little finger" i just played n it healed after about a year :lol:

    another thing, you would have thought i'd have learnt by now, but i have some huge scrapes/cuts/gouges in my legs from my pedals.....really need some knee pads :twisted:
  • Haven't done anything too stupid bike related, but a few years back, AFTER my check up at the dentist, I was standing in the waiting room booking my next appointment and fainted! Not fun, I broke my collar bone and spent 3 days in hospital with a really bad concussion!!! (I'm about 6'4", it's a long way to fall!!) My mates still won't let me forget it to this day!!

    Also, reading Nicklouses post, it reminded me of something I read on the On One blog about their guy Tim and his spinning wheel - disc brake - finger incident.

    Pics are not for the squeamish!!
    2009 Giant Anthem X2
    2009 On One Il Pompino in SS CX mode!
    2009 Giant Defy 2.5
  • Nodnol
    Nodnol Posts: 168
    LordBanks wrote:
    Not bike related, i was working on my rather splendid 1968 180cc Vespa Rally, i was in my shed, it was winter so the door was closed, and i decided to start it up to make sure it was firing properly, needless to say, i started to feel abit light headed and passed out, luckily i fell against the door and woke myself up when i split my head open on a rake.

    It's half one and I'm pretty sure I just woke up the neighbours laughing at that one! Shouldn't be funny but the rake came from no where (literally I suppose!).
  • jdp
    jdp Posts: 26
    Not seen those pictures before, it must have hurt! :shock:

    Had to have an operation yesterday to sew the 2 bits of tendon together! Not pleasant but quite interesting as I was able to watch!
  • batch78
    batch78 Posts: 1,320
    Have just, this very evening, almost lost my ear in a spoke related incident, looking down at chainline decide to turn pedal head too close to rear wheel, luckily no lasting damage. :oops:
  • cee
    cee Posts: 4,553
    i stuck a gardening fork through my foot about 15 years ago....

    that wasn't very clever either. :cry:
    Whenever I see an adult on a bicycle, I believe in the future of the human race.

    H.G. Wells.
  • No major bike ones. Yet.

    But I did stand too close to an industrial wallpaper stripper I'd hired. And it decided to malfunction. The pressurized filling cap was faulty and decided to blow....showering me in 3 litres of boiling water. The result was 25% scolding and blisters the size of cricket balls on my arms, thigh and chest.

    Was living in Swindon at the time but the 2 (yes 2) ambulances covering the town were dealing with an incident on the M4 so the ex-wife drove me to the hospital.

    Ended up in in Salisbury Burns Unit on entonox and morphine laughing as huge strips of boiled skin were removed from my body.

    Fortunately I was wearing swimming shorts at the time so any water bounced off them saving my spam javelin from certain doom.

    Also I sued the shop and got 7K...but wasn't into biking then and spent the large majority on diving equipment.

    What a loser.
    Whyte 905 (2009)
    Trek 1.5 (2009)
    Specialized Stumpjumper FSR Comp (2007)
  • When I was in my teens I remember doing some work on my bike. Turned round to pick a tool up and was greeted with my bike falling over and the handle bars (with no end caps on) swinging round straight into my front tooth knocking it out for the 2nd time :cry:

    I lost it the first time by jumping off a big sand hill at the local quarry. Landed wrong and smacked my knee into my face putting my teeth straight through my bottom lip. Pissed with blood, needed about 5-6 stitches on each side and a new tooth. Eating through a straw for a week wasn't good :cry:
  • Panter
    Panter Posts: 299

    Pics are not for the squeamish!!

    Even though it clearly states pics are not for the squeamish (I'm the most squeamish person on Earth,) off I go, clickety click <feels queasy> :lol:


    Chris :)
    Racing snakes. It's not big, and it's not clever ;)
  • dombo6
    dombo6 Posts: 582
    School Physics lab, circa 1976. Experiment to measure heat conductivity of metal rod by holding one end in a bunsen burner and measuring the time it took for the other end (in your hand) to become uncomfortably hot.

    Cue possibly the stupidest boy in the class - held it in the flame until slight discomfort set in, then removed it and grabbed the glowing end with his other hand.

    How we laughed.
  • Chaka Ping
    Chaka Ping Posts: 1,451
    Glad I'm not the only one here almost to have won a Darwin award.

    When I was about 15 I decided to stick a knife into an operating electric fan heater because I was bored.

    Luckily there was a circuit breaker and I didn't get fried.