Cycling clubs

Nick6891 Posts: 274
edited September 2008 in Road beginners
What are the advantages of them?? And does anyone know of any in Leeds?


  • Yeti575
    Yeti575 Posts: 291
    I thought about joining one this year but never bothered but get bored easily when out by myself. Going to join the local club which runs Time Trials, road races and 'casual' Saturday rides. I think Firestarter is the member of a club in Leeds so may be worth asking him.
    If it's not a Yeti, it's not worth riding!
  • When I was a kid, I used to go out with a crowd from this club on a Monday night. Nice to see that they are still going. Got some impressive Sunday rides listed as well!

    A good claim to fame, when you had Barry Hoban as a past member :)
  • We're a Leeds based, forward looking cycling club. Always looking for news members, no matter what their abilities are.

    We have a few riders who regularly go out Saturdays/Sundays mornings - feel free to join us
  • hothead
    hothead Posts: 123
    While i am not a member of Yorkshire Velo, what I have seen of them and rode one of their TT events they seem a well set up and more importantly friendly bunch. Think if I ever fancy changing clubs I would join them.
  • hothead wrote:
    While i am not a member of Yorkshire Velo, what I have seen of them and rode one of their TT events they seem a well set up and more importantly friendly bunch. Think if I ever fancy changing clubs I would join them.

    Which event was that?

    BTW if you fancy a change you know where we are :wink:
  • hothead
    hothead Posts: 123
    It was your slowest 120 TT on 2nd Aug and was my 2nd TT Event. First was a nightmare and didn't even start (Long Story!). Have to say just seemed a much slicker set up, compared to other events organised (Not a dig at event organisers, I understand what effort goes into organising events, so sorry if it sounds like I am having a go, just found Yorkshire velo's event very good) and as a novice this can make a difference when entering the strange world of Time Trials!

    I feel that welcoming new people to the sport is important and would recommend a Yorkshire Velo to anyone locally looking for a club :)
  • Now you're not a TT virgin anymore then why not enter the Yorkshire 10m TT Champs next year. If you thought our Slowest 120 was a good event you should ride this!

    You either need to be in a Yorkshire DC club or else live in one of the counties of Yorkshire to be eligible :)
  • Leeds Mercury, Seacroft Wheelers do an easy Saturday ride in the North Leeds area. Mirke Farthing, Leeds Mercury (I think) and Phil Norfolk run Thursday evening 'cross training sessions throughout the winter. Find contact details on
    Organising the Bradford Kids Saturday Bike Club at the Richard Dunn Sports Centre since 1998
  • Seacroft Wheelers have a good site, lots of information and the joining fee is only £10

    Seacroft Wheelers

    FCN is minimal as I don't see many bikes on the way to work
    BUICK Posts: 362
    Hey Barry. I messaged Yorkshire Velo on the weekend to get some information and have had no reply yet - any chance you can give someone a nudge?
    '07 Langster (dropped one tooth from standard gearing)
    '07 Tricross Sport with rack and guards
    STUNNING custom 953 Bob Jackson *sigh*
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    Nick6891 wrote:
    What are the advantages of them?
    A good club will revolutionise your cycling. You'll be encouraged to try things (racing, sportifs, whatever) that you'd perhaps not consider if all you ever do is ride alone. Your fitness and riding skills should improve in leaps and bounds.

    That's my experience at least.