John O'Groats to Land's End Sponsorship

Beachslapper Posts: 45
edited September 2008 in Tour & expedition

I also posted this in road beginners before I saw this section of the forum

I’m sure this has been asked time and time before but I just want to put across exactly what I want.

Me and a friend at school (we're both 15) have decided to go with the school to Borneo in 2010. Whilst there for a month we shall do some charity work, climb Mount Kinabalu and visit the orangutans and so as you can imagine we are looking for ways to raise money.

One of our main ideas is to cycle from John O'Groats to Land's End. I know this may not seem like a lot to you but we aren’t the most amazing cyclists in fact I only brought my first road bike a few weeks ago ( a giant SCR 3) but I am out on it every single chance I get.

If we were to go ahead with this, which we probably will I would like to ask a few questions.

1. What routs would you suggest?
2. What equipment should we carry with us?
3. Is a support vehicle necessary?
4. Who are the best people to ask for sponsorship?
5. What sort of distance should we aim to cover every day?
6. How long a time period should we aim for?
7. What sort of average speed should we be looking at?

I probably have others but I can’t think of them right now.

If you need more information please ask

And if you are able to help in anyway or join us on our ride I would love to hear from you

Also if you have done it before and you have any advise that would be great


Rob and JL


  • toontra
    toontra Posts: 1,160
    There is a specific Land's End - JoG forum over on the CTC website - You are likely to get a lot of the info you need there.

    Good luck!

    a serious case of small cogs
  • 1. What routs would you suggest?

    You could join the CTC and get their free route packs else you could purchase the route pack for a fiver or so. Even so it's best to regard any route as advisory as there isn't a definitive route as such.

    2. What equipment should we carry with us?
    This depends if you are camping, hostelling or B&B ing

    3. Is a support vehicle necessary?
    Only if you want it to be. Paying for the support will eat into your sponsor funding.

    4. Who are the best people to ask for sponsorship?
    Local businesses. Land's End to John O'Groats whilst being an achievement, not longer has much sponsorship value unless you are doing something unique. You might get some token gestures from makers of equipment e.g. food samples and small items like drinks bottles but don't hold out much hope for money and/or bigger items Before you approach potential sponsors have the answer to the question: 'what's in it for us?' ready.

    5. What sort of distance should we aim to cover every day?
    It depends upon how many days you want to do the trip in. I suggest three weeks at 50 miles per day. You could take longer as you'll have the school holidays at your disposal.

    6. How long a time period should we aim for?
    See above.

    7. What sort of average speed should we be looking at?
    10 miles per hour

    There is a Land's End John O'Groats forum on the CTC forum as suggested elsewhere - I'd focus your questions on the riding/planning aspect of the endeavour and use the charity/sponsorship forum at the same place to seek advice about sponsorship.