Cumberland Challenge

Peter Main
Peter Main Posts: 60
Cumberland Challenge

What a route, what a day. In the first 30 miles we got rain, wet roads covered in mud and cowpoo, dark dank descents down sunken, tree lined roads requiring the maximum of concentration and usually followed by sharp bends into yet another short leg searing climb. It was very difficult to ride in groups and hard to find any rhythm at all. Relief came in the form of Hartside, more akin to the longer climbs I'm used to in Scotland, which seemed really easy after all those muddy hills. The cobbles at Alston gave the event an even more authentic ‘Paris-Roubaix’ feel then yet another lumpy road took us to back to Alston via Garrigill. At last the sun came out and for a short while we had dry roads. The good fast road north from Alston allowed groups to form and speed to pick up. Back at Brampton the feed & checkpoint was held right in the town centre and this gave a real buzz to the event with all the Sunday drinkers and smokers outside the pubs no doubt wondering what on earth was going on. Then it was north again towards Scotland as we plunged into more miles of narrow muddy lanes. It didn’t go unnoticed by me that one of the hardest climbs of the afternoon (Kershope Bridge to Hillend) was on the 1.8 miles of the route that was actually in Scotland. Thanks for that, Scotland. Now it was raining with a vengeance and the hills seemed to go on forever. The last feed at 88 miles was a welcome relief even though the flapjack had gone a bit soggy. The climbing eased in the final miles, I got into a good, fast, very wet, and muddy group, and we all staggered into the event HQ, tired, and very pleased to finish with a job well done. The organisation and event HQ were spot on. Chapeaux to all the marshals and organisers who stood for hours in the rain; they all deserve certificates and congratulations, just as much as the riders. I felt I did OK coming 309th out of 553 overall and 11th out of 30 in the 60+ age group. The only real disappointment was that my lovely new bike got very dirty; I suppose it had to happen sometime. If you're looking for a challenge next year 'The Cumberland Challenge' is the one for you, but don’t treat it lightly; the 56 DNFs show what a tough, demanding sportive it is.

the idea is to die young as late as possible


  • vermooten
    vermooten Posts: 2,697
    Well done!

    I did it in 2006 when we had to redefine what 'rain' meant, and last year when it was ok weatherwise. Signed up this year but didn't do it. My fave bits of the route are the big Alpine-style climb in the first half - can't remember the name! - and then the cobbled climb in Alston mmmm-MM!

    One of my fave sportives, gotta do it in 2009 surely.
    You just have to ride like you never have to breathe again.

    Manchester Wheelers
  • andy_wrx
    andy_wrx Posts: 3,396
    An excellent event, did the very wet 2006 & 2007 editions.

    Very well organised.

    It's tough and challenging, but ultimately doable, you finish tired but happy, not destroyed.

    Hartside is a good long steady rhythm climb, the one I don't like is that steep bugger after the ruined castle with the cattle grid halfway up that you teeter over at walking pace.

    Some nice fast downhills and then the last 15m is a scorching-fast flat timetrial to the finish.
  • Back at Brampton the feed & checkpoint was held right in the town centre and this gave a real buzz to the event with all the Sunday drinkers and smokers outside the pubs no doubt wondering what on earth was going on.

    I agree Peter, really enjoyed the day, the atmosphere was excellent. It was my first ride over 100 miles so paced myself, I just wanted to have enough energy left not be tempted to call it a day at Brampton. I only felt confident enough to speed up after the second feed stop but felt strong at the finish so could have gone faster!
  • Don't know if anyone is still looking at this thread, but if they are I would like to contact/thank the guy that stayed with me until the paramedics arrived when I crashed out at Kirkoswald.
    I was disappointed not to get the whole ride in, cos it looked as if it was going to be a good one.
    Three fractures on the pelvis is going to put me off my legs/bike for 12 weeks!
    Chris Spratt