Wild wales post match reports!

big dunk
Posts: 49
Well,i did it.First 10 mile for free around the lake and then found out what"challenge" meant as we met by the first bonk of the day :shock:.Followed by the trawsfynydd pass a long grind.missed a turn following a chaingang of mac wheelers into some forest track and we all had to go back over and around dolgelu to first control adding 6mile.
The next stint however was a killer.our notes said control 60miles so after around this on our computers 66 for myself,mentally prepared for a stop,but, the control was more like 70/72 miles.Knackered legs burning we took on the last 25mile back to bala back across trawsfynydd 8hrs dead but we did have to stop a few times to wait for a few who had to walk.computers averaged out between us five at 94 miles.anyone else get this?8500 calories burnt and a 3mile trip back to the campsite to a shower and very very drunk.A good day. p.s. was this one harder than average?