Paris to Monaco - Bike hire?

CyclingBantam Posts: 1,299
edited August 2008 in Tour & expedition
Hi All,

I have looked about and can't seem to find any other threads on this. I am looking to cycle from Paris to Monaco next year over two to three weeks. The problem is I only have a Trek 1000 and don't think this would be suitable to take racks etc. Ideally I don't want to have to spend £700-£900 on a new bike that would not get too much use other than that ride.

Does anyone know if I could hire a suitable bike in London/Paris that I could use for the journey. Would I still need all my own kit (racks, panniers etc.) or could I hire this as well? Any idea on possible approx. cost?

Also, has anyone done a ride similar to this? Any comments or reccomendations?

Apologies for the ream of questions but any help would besuper, even if it is just a nudge in the right direction.

Thanks in advance.
