Something new this evening

John C.
John C. Posts: 2,113
edited August 2008 in Road beginners
First I went out for a little 20 minute run :) , lovely evening and I really enjoyed it. Then I put a new stem on a friends bike test rode it and life was good :):) . So, I decided to have a quick spin on my revamped hack. I quickly wound it up to about 18-19 mph then noticed my left shoe lace was loose :oops: .
The next thing I new was a pedestrian was helping me up off the road :cry: , my hack is now a fixed wheel project and I'd stopped peddling, first time out without a helmet and gloves, my injuries are:
big bump and bleeding top right of head
big gravel rash on right elbow
bruising to right kidney area
skinned right hip
graise to right palm of hand

After finding my front wheel which buckeled when it parted company with the bike I hobbled home where I got a lot of sympathy from my wife (That'll teach you )

Not sure what the lesson lernt is, but I'll put a spare helmet and gloves in the garage for these little trips out.

It started off as such a good evening, stings like hell now :cry::cry:

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail
Hills are just a matter of pace
