Photosynth is out of beta so...

Anonymous Posts: 79,665
edited August 2008 in The Crudcatcher
Who's going to be the first to synth up their trail?


Could be pretty cool to see other people's trails, and be able to navigate around them.


  • GT Destroyer
    GT Destroyer Posts: 1,719
    what is it Mcgee? Its too busy to let me do anything on it?
  • David Lund
    David Lund Posts: 602
    Thats all a bit strange... how exactly would you go about it? just talk loads of pictures of an area?
    I dont think you could do a trail properly on it, more like an open area like a jump park e.t.c
    Any thoughts?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Well, what you do, is you take loads of overlapping photos, load them into photosynth, and then it figures out how each one is related, and re-combines them in 3d space. So, you can then effectively move through the photographed space in any direction, and see what it looks like from any angle.
    Neat, huh?

    David Lund, it should work fine for trails, som eof the examples they've shown are particularly effective, such as the tahj mahal, or the cityscape.

    Unfortunately, they've received a much bigger demand than they first thought, so the server seems to have collapsed for now!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    what is beta by the way, ive heard it a few times but never tried to find out
  • Yahoobedoo
    Yahoobedoo Posts: 109
    what is beta by the way, ive heard it a few times but never tried to find out

    Not the final, polished version. Still in testing with the likelihood of a few bugs.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    ok, what does it mean to have run out of beta?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    alpha, or alpha testing, is the earliest form of complete code, and is very likely to contain programming errors and incomplete functions
    Alpha testing consists of finding and eliminating these errors.

    once the alpha test stage is over (out of alpha), software moves into the beta, or beta test phase.
    Beta versions are generally complete in terms of features, but require stability and performance testing.
    Again, testing involves tracking down the remaining minor software bugs, and seeing how it reacts in a more real-world situation.

    Once the beta sets stage is over (out of beta) the software may eitehr go to release candidate (RC) stages, where final tweaks are made, and a bit of spit-and polish is applied, or, it may get released, as final code, or in Microsoft (at least) terminology, RTM or, Release To Manufacturers.
    Manufacturers in this case referring to pressing plants that make the cds/dvds etc.

    Note that out of alpha, or out of beta refers to it having exited teh alpha or beta stages, it doesn;t mean it's run out of beta like a car runs out of petrol!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Anyway, I digress.
    We've had a little garden area made at work with a path that runs next to the river, through the trees. If I get time tomorrow, I'll try and take a bunch of photos to "synth" it up, to see if this really would work for trails.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Note that out of alpha, or out of beta refers to it having exited teh alpha or beta stages, it doesn;t mean it's run out of beta like a car runs out of petrol!

    thats what i thought you meant!! but didnt know what beta was in the first place so was v confused
  • OT, but have you got rid of the bionionionionicon sheepsteeth?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    i have mike, i feel a bit of a fool after sayiing how awesome the bike is/was (an opinion i still hold true by the way) and i know i will miss it, but i kept it longer than any other bike apart from the stumpy (which was a labour of love, and even that nearly got sold once!!!)

    i am a vey fickle master when it comes to bikes and i just fanciedsomething different, the enduro is a lovelybike, i have taken it out and it is ace fun, i already miss the geometry shifting of the bioniconionion especially now i dont have it that i realise how much i used it!!

    i am happy with my decision, i like that i swapped for an equally good bike and that i didnt do it cause i hated the willow. just wanted summat different.

    i will be buying another bike in the new yr, something shorter travel, maybe a cube at the mo but there is everychance i could get anything. the signs are good so far that the enduro could be the only bike i need so we'll see.
  • cool.

    was a very nice bike :P
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    bionic onions are very nice, and personalyl i;d much rther one of them than an enduro
    I are drunken , sorry
  • GT Destroyer
    GT Destroyer Posts: 1,719
    How funny is mcgees post! Mcgee, did you mean to write bionic onion? you must have, you can't have got it that funnily wrong!

    Does anyone have any pics of mbike trails on this new photo thing?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665

    I was going to take my camera out to llandegla today, but it looked like torrential rain, so left it at home in case it got broken.
    Unfortunately, the weather was fine, so I should have taken it anyway.

    I just realised as well, Bionic onion! what the hell? :lol: Oh man, i must have moidered some people stuid that night!