Started my new commute this morning..

Simonb256 Posts: 880
edited August 2008 in Commuting chat
Some 25miles long each way down 'A roads'.

Im used to doing 18/20 each way in the past and when I tested the orure on saturday I failed miserably. However this morning all was fine.

Coasted in in 1hr 20mins, which isnt bad seeing as we actually have hills up here...

Anyway, quick question...

Does anyone else get disconcerted when commuting they find themselves going through a town followed by countryside, followed by a town, followed by country side, followed by town etc through about 6 or 7 town/villages to get to work?...

It kind of makes me feel that Im cycling for eons rather than the 20 odd miles...
"War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength." George Orwell - 1984


  • Simonb256
    Simonb256 Posts: 880
    Route available here

    On the way there:
    790ft elevation
    951ft descent

    Doesnt sound much :'( but honest there are some ruddy great hills... :P

    Bikely link here
    "War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength." George Orwell - 1984
  • jeepie
    jeepie Posts: 497
    nice work. Chester Road pretty busy though ain't it? Definitely one to travel by bike so that you can miss all the queues! I regularly travel in my car from down South to Brum and the journey always goes well until I hit the Chester Road, so I think you are definitely doing the right thing riding your bike!
  • Simonb256
    Simonb256 Posts: 880
    Jeepie wrote:
    nice work. Chester Road pretty busy though ain't it? Definitely one to travel by bike so that you can miss all the queues! I regularly travel in my car from down South to Brum and the journey always goes well until I hit the Chester Road, so I think you are definitely doing the right thing riding your bike!

    I unfortunatly dont drive so otheriwse im on th metro to birmingham followed by a bus.

    I usually head out at about 6am and get to work just before 7:30, for bike fettling, shower etc and to avoid the traffic, it wasnt that bad to be honest.

    However the hill from Sutton into Brownhills is a bit of a beast..
    "War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength." George Orwell - 1984
  • jeepie
    jeepie Posts: 497
    Hey Simon - my commute is very short only 3.5 miles now so I'm sure you will enjoy having a chance to get some good exercise in on your way to work. I wish my commute was longer now, to the extent that last week I cycled to my old job 25 miles away and back just to try out what it would have been like if I'd been into cycling at the time!

    I haven't gone that far down the Chester Road so will definitely bring my road bike next time I'm in Brum and give the hill a whirl!!!
  • Simonb256
    Simonb256 Posts: 880
    Well if you ever see a guy in a t-shirt with cycle-short on a red and white univega road bike that sounds dreadful give a quick wave, for tis I...
    "War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength." George Orwell - 1984
  • jeepie
    jeepie Posts: 497
    defo....enjoy the lactate burn!
  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,719
    Simon, come say hi tonight. Text me if you need me to come and guide you in from Chester Road.
  • Wow I was beginning to think that I was the only brummie commuter looking at this site, then i find two in one go. I commute from Sutton Coldfield into the centre of Birmingham so I may be either crossing your route or going in the opposite direction. If you see a tall guy on a black Giant with a blue pollution mask (I suffer without it), this is me.
    FCN 8

    2009 Boardman Hybrid Pro
  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,719
    Wow I was beginning to think that I was the only brummie commuter looking at this site, then i find two in one go. I commute from Sutton Coldfield into the centre of Birmingham so I may be either crossing your route or going in the opposite direction. If you see a tall guy on a black Giant with a blue pollution mask (I suffer without it), this is me.
    I may be chasing you down in a month or so, when I start my commute from Brownhills to Birmingham uni. ;)
  • Cool. I'll keep an eye out for you..
    FCN 8

    2009 Boardman Hybrid Pro
  • Simonb256
    Simonb256 Posts: 880
    whyamihere wrote:
    Simon, come say hi tonight. Text me if you need me to come and guide you in from Chester Road.

    Will do, and I defo do need directions unfortunatly... Just so I know how far up Chester Road shall I text?, or shall I just climb the that stupid hill then text?

    I will let Sam know Im gonna be a little late though first heh.
    "War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength." George Orwell - 1984