disslocated shoulder

trailpimp4130 Posts: 6
edited September 2008 in Health, fitness & training
i disslocated my shoulder a few days ago and im wondering if there is any advice anyone can give me?? i know that im going to be off the bike for some time and have been told ive an 80% chance that it will be going again, i am a downhill / freerider and im wondering if theres any supports or any help basically any one can give me?? thanks ben


  • Surf-Matt
    Surf-Matt Posts: 5,952
    Get yourself to a physio and get some "Theraband" exercises sorted.
    Mine's gone out over 20 times (surfing, kickboxing, high diving, etc!) but is now almost 100% strong.

    Have a few pics of one exercise if you struggle to find a good physio but MUCH better if someone shows you in person. Also depends what you've done - stretched rotator cuffs (little supporting muscles) are fixable, more serious stuff can need surgery.
  • thanks ery much, i am waiting to hear from trelisk hospital at the moment but have a few friends who are sports physio trained. thanks for the info!!
  • Surf-Matt
    Surf-Matt Posts: 5,952
    Trail - are you local to Truro then (I live in Malpas)?!

    Know a good physio who lives in town but works in St Austell if needed.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Whatever happens your shoulder will never be 100% again.

    I had physio for months on the NHS, and can't fault the treatment. Did your consultant mention physio treatment?
  • Surf-Matt
    Surf-Matt Posts: 5,952
    NHS were great with me too (in fact they have always been great) and MRI scanned me very quickly.

    I'd say mine is 98% okay - been checked over and very nearly back to full strength thanks to literally ten years of physio!
  • Bikerbaboon
    Bikerbaboon Posts: 1,017
    Surf-Matt wrote:
    NHS were great with me too (in fact they have always been great) and MRI scanned me very quickly.

    I'd say mine is 98% okay - been checked over and very nearly back to full strength thanks to literally ten years of physio!

    I dont know i got my mri scan quickly as well when i broke 3 bones in my right foot........
    shame the doc put donw to scan my left leg :shock: and the people doing hte scan said that all they could scan is what the doctor put down even though my foot was in a slab and i was walking on my other leg........ 3 days later i got the rigt foot scanned... I have to think of the money wasted scanning the wrong foot and hten keeping me in hospital for 3 more days till they had time to scan the right foot.
    Nothing in life can not be improved with either monkeys, pirates or ninjas
  • i am currently waiting to hear from the hospital re physio, but havent had anything yet. but fingers crossed itl get sorted, ive just orderd a shoulder brace just to give me a bit more support day to day but i am well aware im off the bike for a good period of time, and the worst of it is that the day i crashed was the first day i had my new 5th element rear shock fitted ha ha didnt even get to test it
  • Surf-Matt wrote:
    Trail - are you local to Truro then (I live in Malpas)?!

    Know a good physio who lives in town but works in St Austell if needed.

    i live near padstow at treyarnon bay, was messing around on the hedland near bye when i came off, i regularly ride poldice downhill and freeride tracks
  • Surf-Matt
    Surf-Matt Posts: 5,952
    How old are you then?

    I went to Wadebridge School a loooong time ago (now 33) so know a few people from that way. Lovely area.
  • im 21, yea i went to wadebridge aswell, stayed on for 6th form aswell. theres james eldridge, andy blackburn erm there the only older crew that i can think of from top of my head
  • Surf-Matt
    Surf-Matt Posts: 5,952
    I vaguely know them!
    My sister (Emily Sutherland) was only a couple of years ahead of you.
  • i also dislocated my shoulder ( in march, thanks to a taxi driver who didnt realise that i am usually quicker than a car away from the lights!. he then turned left in front of me)
    i had a rear dislocation of my shoulder and was fitted with a brace and told under no account was i to even lift my elbow away from the body for a few weeks let alone ride.
    it appears that people have varying degrees of recovery from this type of injury the following worked for me...

    plenty of ibruprofen and against advice i was usuing the arm as normal but not lifting any weight with it. i was driving again (only short journeys) after 4 days but didnt dare get back on my bike for 2 months. when i did i took it really steady, just on flat cycle routes.
    one of the main problems i found was the lack of confidence that i now had.

    the treatment that i received from the hospital and physio was second to one. i cannot stress how important it is to do the exercises and stretches that you will be shown.
    i also used (light) weights to build strength around the shoulder joint.

    i would not recommend a shoulder support as a long term solution. having dislocated a knee many years ago i took to wearing one. the more i wore it, the more my knee felt weak when i didnt have it on!

    so far (touch wood) i havent had any problems or a repeat of the dislocation although it does still twinge on a daily basis...

    i have two heavy landings/offs since my injury ( one of which split the frame of my beloved marin, the other one sheared a pedal straight out of the crank arm. both times my shoulder was fine!)

    good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    and do the exerises/stretches!
  • I dislocated my shoulder shatering cartilage about seven years ago and it now comes out every day.

    I had physio with the NHS for about 3 years but there was nothing they could do short of Surgery and that is not an option in my head because of the possible problems it could cause.

    I have just leart to live with it and can now put it in myself, not ideal when you are out on the trail but there you go.

    Definatly be very persistatant with physio it helped me control my sholder and has help restor most of its mobility.

    Good luck
