What to wear ?

teulk Posts: 557
edited August 2008 in Road beginners
Im doing a charity ride on sunday and i think the forcast is pretty much for rain. Question is do i wear shorts or some type of full length pants. The way im looking at it at the moment if i wear full length pants and it rains well of course i'll get wet but once its stopped im then stuck with wet pants. If i wear shorts and it rains at least its only my shorts that are wet and not all of my legs. Its a short ride i supose by most of your standards as it 54miles so i supose any discomfort due to being wet would only be for 3-4 hours. What the general opinion - shorts or full length ?
Boardman Team 09 HT
Orbea Aqua TTG CT 2010
Specialized Secteur Elite 2011


  • if its warm wear as least as possible , nothing worse than baggy soggy clothes
  • unclemalc
    unclemalc Posts: 563
    I've got one of these coming up in September. :D
    I have tried riding long distances in jackets and trousers because of the weather but I sweat mightily after no time at all and I get just as wet inside the 'protective' clothes as any rain would cause from the outside!
    If its light rain, it won't matter. If its really nasty, then just get wet and go for it - I certainly wouldn't wear long leggings this time of year.
    Singlespeeds in town rule.
  • teulk
    teulk Posts: 557
    edited August 2008
    Even tho its probably going to rain, and probably really heavy judging by the rain that has fell recently its should still be fairly warm so i think i'll just go with the shorts.
    Boardman Team 09 HT
    Orbea Aqua TTG CT 2010
    Specialized Secteur Elite 2011
  • Hornetto
    Hornetto Posts: 141
    Good plan - if the weather surprises and it is reasonably warm (and even sunny) you'll regret not wearing shorts and probably won't enjoy the ride.
    Never argue with an idiot - they drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience