pedal help

sal613 Posts: 31
edited August 2008 in MTB general
my bro pushed my bike into a fence and now the pedals go both ways when still. before it would only go one way now though when it is still the pedals go both directions. is there a problem with it? how do i fix it?
when i move the pedals the chain dont move. how do i fix it? help seriously needed!


  • S_J_P
    S_J_P Posts: 908
    Chain's come off? :shock:
  • sal613
    sal613 Posts: 31
    no wheni move the pedels first of all they move in both directions and also the chain dosent move!
  • ride_whenever
    ride_whenever Posts: 13,279
    well if the chain doesn't move then it isn't attached to the chainrings (sprockets at the front) --> chain has come off, put it back onto the chainrings.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    sounds confusing, how can you spin the cranks without moving the chain, if the chain hasnt come of one of the front chain rings?
  • sal613
    sal613 Posts: 31
    oh the chain come of the rings! lol i feel so stupid for no noticing thank you!
  • toasty
    toasty Posts: 2,598
    :roll: :lol:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Waw, the stnderd of e doo ceshun is amzng! LOLZORZ!!!!11!!!!!oneoneone!!
  • xtreem
    xtreem Posts: 2,965
    Is there "Watts" on this forum, like on Eurosport?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I've seen Watts in the guide, but I don't know what it actually is. Care to explain, Xtreem?
  • xtreem
    xtreem Posts: 2,965
    Watts is a 30min show, wich contains the most funny misfortunes in the sports, supported with proper music in the bacground, so the funny effect to be bigger.

    In most times they are funny, but some are a little bit stupid.
    You should watch sometimes.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Xtreem wrote:
    Watts is a 30min show, wich contains the most funny misfortunes in the sports, supported with proper music in the bacground, so the funny effect to be bigger.

    In most times they are funny, but some are a little bit stupid.
    You should watch sometimes.
    I'll try and catch it soon, but annoyingly, the broadcast times on Eurosport can vary wildly compare to when they SAY something's going to be on.
    The amount of times my PVR has recorded an hour of euosport when the WRC was meant to be on, but I instead get 55 minutes of curling or something, and the first 5 minutes of rallying is driving me mad!
  • Yahoobedoo
    Yahoobedoo Posts: 109
    I'll try and catch it soon, .........!

    Any amount of snippets here for your delectation and delight:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Yahoobedoo wrote:
    I'll try and catch it soon, .........!

    Any amount of snippets here for your delectation and delight:
    I prefer my television to be fairly high quality though. :roll: Ican't stand youtube. Or Television knock-off sites, for that matter.