Woeful Wednesday

McBain_v1 Posts: 5,237
edited August 2008 in The bottom bracket
Yesterday sucked the big one :cry:

Tried to install a 1GB RAM module into my PC. Plugged it in okay, did up the case to the computer, powered it back up and nothing happened. Took the new module out, did the puter back up, powered it up and... still nothing. Panic set in - all our pictures of mini-McBain were on this thing.

Decided to wait a bit and watch some cycling on the TV (via HUMAX box thingy). Turned on TV... *bzzzt!* sound emerged, picture disappeared. TV broken as well :shock: :cry:

Then found out my best mate's wife has miscarried :cry::cry:

Jesus, I hope today is better. Gotta shell out some cash for a new PC (the motherboard is fried according to the IT lads here at work), a new TV (are they all LCD now??) - no new bike bits for me until at least 2009 now.

What do I ride? Now that's an Enigma!


  • heavymental
    heavymental Posts: 2,095
    Hard lines McBain. Hope things pick up.
  • Nuggs
    Nuggs Posts: 1,804
    Dude - that sounds like a truly rubbish day.
    McBain_v1 wrote:
    Gotta shell out some cash for a new PC (the motherboard is fried according to the IT lads here at work)

    Why not just replace the MB? A fraction (c.£70) of the cost of a new PC...

    See here: www.scan.co.uk
  • McBain_v1
    McBain_v1 Posts: 5,237
    nuggs - I thought of that but concluded that since I don't know anything at all about the insides of computers and how they are put together, all that business with device drivers etc., the problems I had trying to install new memory and the fact that the computer is 4 years old already, I would be better off getting a new one and then LEAVING IT ALONE!

    What do I ride? Now that's an Enigma!
  • il_principe
    il_principe Posts: 9,155
    Argh fried MB's eh? Lost 2 computers to that. One of them had 2 chapters of my first attempt at a novel on. Always gutting. Hope you can get the mini McBain pics back, should be easy enough to retrieve them. Lesson I've now learnt is buy a portable hard drive and BACK UP.
  • shazzz
    shazzz Posts: 1,077
    The hard drive should still be OK. Take it out, put it in an external hard drive case and you can access it from another PC. Once you've copied all your files onto your new PC use the external (ie your old HD) as your back up drive.

    That's what I did, anyway!
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    shazzz wrote:
    The hard drive should still be OK. Take it out, put it in an external hard drive case and you can access it from another PC. Once you've copied all your files onto your new PC use the external (ie your old HD) as your back up drive.

    That's what I did, anyway!

    yeh, I think I did something similar. Attached the HD as a secondary HD using the cables for the DVD player - HD just hanging out of the back of the box - copied all the files over and then removed the old HD and plugged the DVD back in. Or something like that. :)
  • fossyant
    fossyant Posts: 2,549
    If you can, get a motherboard that supports RAID - my PC is about 2.5 years old and I have it - uses 2 Hard drives - set it up to mirrored and if one drive fails, you just buy another and let it build itself back up....saved my bacon twice now !
  • bigjim
    bigjim Posts: 780
    Thats not lasted long. Just buya PC tower off e-bay. You will not need monitor or keyboard. My last one cost me £45 and it is fine. TV? If you don't need flat screen you can pick up loads of old style widescreen TVs for pennies. Once again tight old me bought a nice widescreen with stand and built in digibox for £40. Life does not need to be expensive if you don,t need the latest bling. All small fry problems compared to your best mates situation. Hope the lady is OK.

  • McBain_v1 wrote:
    nuggs - I thought of that but concluded that since I don't know anything at all about the insides of computers and how they are put together, all that business with device drivers etc., the problems I had trying to install new memory and the fact that the computer is 4 years old already, I would be better off getting a new one and then LEAVING IT ALONE!

    It isnt that difficult, you cant really plug anything in the wrong place. The hardest thing I always find to do is get the wireless internet connection up and running, thats verging on black magic and voodoo. We have a small independent Computer shop nearby and have found that for a very reasonable fee will transfer your processor and memory to a new MB, if its compatible, if not they will assemble a new MB with processor, fan and memory. All you do then is take it home and fit it.

    Then hope XP accepts it all as the same machine and doesnt spit the dummy. I learnt long ago to not put the cover back on the case until its all up and running.

    LCD TV's are getting cheaper and cheaper, you can get a 32 inch for a third of the price that I paid for my 28 inch 4 years ago :oops: