Anyone for Llandegla?

ste_t Posts: 1,599
edited August 2008 in MTB rides
Hi all

I've moved to Wrexham for work, so Llandegla is only 15 mins drive away for me. Unfortunatley I work pretty much straight through from 9am Friday to 11pm Sunday (the joys of bar work) so all my free time is during the week and I don't know anyone locally to get out with!

Does anyone get out to Llandegla much mon-thurs that needs some company? My fitness needs some work as it takes me about 2 1/4 hours to get round, doing all of the black sections (if a tad too cautiously at times!) :oops:



  • gazvenn
    gazvenn Posts: 121
    i could be interested, live near mold and still havn't been up there yet as i only got the bike a week or so ago and only done some road stuff, not done any proper riding offroad yet so chance's are i'll be slower than you :D
  • GT Destroyer
    GT Destroyer Posts: 1,719
    I too could be interested Ste. What bike do you ride, where have you ridden up unitl now?

    I work a 3day shift and have Tues and Fri off work - I could well be going next Tuesday, provided I can get the car to use, coming down from Leeds!

    Llandegla is a fantastic place, can be ridden hard, but also can be ridden at a nice steady pace, like you can plop over jumps rather than get airborne over them, if plopping is on the menu.
  • ste_t
    ste_t Posts: 1,599
    I have an 07 Crush, all stock except I binned the ludicrously useless peddles in favour of some v8's. It's my first bike, and I was dead against getting a full-cushion. Done Llandegla a few times, random offroading north of Stoke, Marin once 2 weeks ago (really puts the 'climb' at Llandegla into perspective!) and Coed-y-Brenin once - though I'm not sure which trail - I was pretty delerious with exhaustion by the time I got round!

    GT - how long does it take you to do one lap of everything? I don't want to be humiliated, but a bit of chasing never hurts! Let me know if you'll be down on tuesday, I'm off weds and thurs but can rearrange to get tuesday so I have some company. I am currently plopping in an embarrassing manner, but hope to resolve this soon before I die of shame!

    Gazvenn - As I said, my fitness needs some work! you could always meet me there after work for a couple of laps of the easier stuff while you get used to it?
  • GT Destroyer
    GT Destroyer Posts: 1,719
    Weird - I have an 08 Crush!

    I am currently swapping cars around, we've bought a new one and the old one, which the bikes go in, is in the garage getting some bits done to it before it goes. Not sure if they'll have it ready by Tues, definately not putting the bike in the new car, so I might be stuck and have to pass unfortunately.

    It took us between 2-3 hours to do it, we were kind of riding with a group of other guys and stopped every now and again. I am the last person on the planet to feel humiliated around too, far from fit and only mildly capable of getting the jumps right!

    Hopefully I'll get the car back and we can give it a good go
  • ste_t
    ste_t Posts: 1,599
    Did the red route at Llandegla yesterday with Darra8 and we somehow managed to take 2 hours 50 mins to get round the red - though we did get lost via a missed turning and ended up facing the wrong way on part of the long black section just after half way round! Normally quicker as I tend to chase after my mate & his yeti to determine who buys the beers (it's always me surpisingly.)

    While we were sat having a hot choc afterwards, I saw a guy finishing the route on an old school rigid raleigh and a guy with a bmx, nuts!
  • Darra8
    Darra8 Posts: 721
    I think the 2 hours 50 mins was my fact, i know it was :)

    Still enjoyed it though...cheers Steve.
    40 year old pussy who "still" hates the thought of falling off!!
  • ste_t
    ste_t Posts: 1,599
    It wasn't your fault at all, I think my navigation skills need some work - imagine me out in the wild with an OS map when I can't even follow a bright red trail centre route! I was struggling a bit with the climbing and could see you right on my shoulder - you're definately fitter than you thought!

    Definately up for doing it again (if I can manage to get my helmet on the right way round....) so give me a shout if you fancy it. It was definately far more fun than riding alone.
  • GT Destroyer
    GT Destroyer Posts: 1,719
    I think we might be heading up this weekend - On Sunday possibly, stuck inside all day today with no car!