Olympics TV coverage is pants

Special K
Special K Posts: 449
edited August 2008 in The bottom bracket
Looped "highlights" that miss the best bits of the action, poor production in the studio: reflections of the crew in the windows, badly cued clips, bad sound levels between commentary and stadium noise, comically bad camera angles in the boxing and sailing etc etc

Most amusing little incident was the caption under the picture of the Italian woman bronze medallist at the finish of the road race captioned "Nicole Cooke GBR - gold medal". I think ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA emblaxoned on each shoulder and on chest might have been the giveaway.
"There are holes in the sky,
Where the rain gets in.
But they're ever so small
That's why rain is thin. " Spike Milligan


  • drewfromrisca
    drewfromrisca Posts: 1,165
    Which channel are you talking about? BBC or Eurosport? Or both?
    There is never redemption, any fool can regret yesterday...

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  • SBezza
    SBezza Posts: 2,173
    They both will use the same feed from the Chinese I would imagine for the live pictures. I think the coverage though not perfect is acceptable, though I only generally watch the 7pm showing on BBC, and possible one of the update programmes on Eurosport.
  • Jez mon
    Jez mon Posts: 3,809
    BBC keeps flicking between the two channels, which is VERY VERY annoying, and surely pointless, just keep it on BBC2 if the news simply has to be on BBC1
    You live and learn. At any rate, you live
  • Clever Pun
    Clever Pun Posts: 6,778
    tried pressing the red button?

    that's quite good for the live stuff
    Purveyor of sonic doom

    Very Hairy Roadie - FCN 4
    Fixed Pista- FCN 5
    Beared Bromptonite - FCN 14
  • boybiker
    boybiker Posts: 531
    I pressed the red button and my telly turned off :cry::cry:
    The gear changing, helmet wearing fule.
    FCN :- -1
    Given up waiting for Fast as Fupp to start stalking me
  • RedAende
    RedAende Posts: 158
    I find the red button very usefull, but seems to freeze a lot (using Virgin cable).

    ladies RR was a bit poor, shows how good the camera bikers are at Tour de F etc

    Red Aende, Red Spesh Hardrock, Wine Mercian, Rusty Flying Scot
  • 100%
    100% Posts: 236
    I agreed, it does show how good the TdF coverage was this year. I imagine the conditions during the woman's RR made it a little tricky for the camera bikes though.

    As for the coverage, I prefer Eurosport's commentary to the BBC. Being "slightly obsessive" as the other half puts it, I got up at 3:50am to watch the men's road race and the switching between channels was VERY annoying. When I switched to the red button service, the commentary stopped, but they left the mikes open. Seems the BBC didn't tell their commentators what was going on which was quite entertaining. Still, meant you could hear all the road noise - made me realise how windy it must have been.