Remember ME?

on the road
on the road Posts: 5,631
There's nothing to tick so I stay logged all the time. What I mean is when I log in I type in my user name and password, but there is no box to tick so I stay logged in all the time. And it's not the cookies, I've deleted the cookies many times but there is still no box to tick so I stay logged in even after I've deleted the cookies.


  • There are two login pages on the website. One has the remember me option one doesn't.

    If you click on the Forum link in the main navigation, then on the right hand side there is a Log In link (not the green one in the main navigation). This screen has a remember me option underneath the username and password boxes.
  • on the road
    on the road Posts: 5,631
    Ahh, how embarrassing :oops:
  • No problem
  • There are two login pages on the website. One has the remember me option one doesn't.

    If you click on the Forum link in the main navigation, then on the right hand side there is a Log In link (not the green one in the main navigation). This screen has a remember me option underneath the username and password boxes.

    We have updated the site today and one of the updates was to add the "remember me" option on the login page accessed via the main navigation (green login button). Therefore the "remember me" option is now on both login pages.