Celtic trail in Pembrokeshire - north or south?

garon Posts: 6
edited August 2008 in Tour & expedition
We're cycle camping with 2 kids (on trailer and trailer bike), getting the train to Carmarthen, aiming to end up in Marloes - we're debating whether to follow the Celtic trail north or south - we're tempted to take the north route over the Preselis for some wild camping opportunities but are worried it will be too challenging. The southern route looks more built up and we're wondering whether it would be easy to find places to camp on that route. Any advice/experiences of either route very welcome.


  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    I have done the south route. The western part from Pembroke to Fishguard is fairly good for camping, but the part between Swansea and Tenby is poor, and much to my disgust the camp site marked on maps at Pembrey forrest is actually now a caravan club site and they take great pleasure in turning campers away! However if you are starting from Carmarthen you probably won't be going that way.

    I have no experience of the North route (yet) but the book says

    This part of the Celtic Trail is not for the Feint-Hearted! It is is a tough and beautiful section...with many climbs to test your fitness"

    It is a 44 mile section so you could split it into 2 days and maybe it won't be so bad. I would hope that you have some low gears, preferably an MTB triple with a 32 cassette!

    Next week I will be doing Carmarthen to Fishguard via the south route and returning via the North route, may see you on the trail :)

    I will be doing the route in a clockwise direction (against the prevailing winds for most of it) on the basis that my partner, who has never toured before, will have a more gentle build-up to touring before getting to the North section, so she will be greyhound fit by the time we hit the hills...dunno if my theory will work!

    With regard to camp sites I suggest you check out all the potential stops on the web before you go, several sites marked on the maps don't exist any longer (whilst there are as few others that are not marked). It is a killer after a long day when you find no site where you expected one! This meant I used a B&B on one day last time - nice B&B, but not in the plan!

    As for trains I presume you will be getting the train back from Haverfordwest. Last year I got the train from Fishguard, one train per day, 2 bike spaces, not bookable. On the platform there were two other bikes already there so I got a bit worried but we all got on with no hassle, though the train was pretty full. My bike went in the end of carriage luggage bay rather than the dedicated bike place. At Carmarthen I had to change on to a small 2 carriage train and just had to stand with the bikes in the doorway - not fantastic but no one seemed to mind. It is a bit of a shame that it has to be so uncertan though, indeed the train makes me more nervous than the hilss. I don't know about the train situation from Haverfordwest. I imagine your trailer will present an extra challenge. This year I will drive to Carmarthen so won't need the train.
  • garon
    garon Posts: 6
    we've got train tickets and bike reservations on all bits so hopefully that'll be okay - got three reservations on the bit from London but couldn't get more than 2 after Swansea. Good advice about the campsites - I am building up a selection on Google maps. Haven't been able to find anything near Carmarthen for our first night though (arriving quite late). Say hello if you see us slogging up the mountain (we will definately take more than a day over Carmarthen to Fishguard, if we ever make it!)