thoughts on garmin edge

edited August 2008 in Road beginners
hi guys,

this question has probably been asked/answered but here goes. ae the garmin edge 705's any good? oh and can someone tell me the cheapest place to buy one? i'm going to the states in sept so should i wait til then and will it work ok over here?
felix's bike

pedal like you stole something!!!


  • yackers1
    yackers1 Posts: 108
    It's a fantastic bit of kit - well worth getting if you like your gadgets.

    I bought mine form Handtec for £218 with the HR but without the cadence sensor or any maps.

    I then bought the cadence sensore for £23.79 inc P&P (from Ebay - a USA purchase) and city nav maps (UK/Eire only) for £29 from Pixmania.

    The price of the Edge 705 seems to vary massively. Have a look at some US websites and see what they go for over there - it may be worth waiting since the pound is kicking the US dollar's a**e at the moment! A US version will work but don't bother buying a package with the American Maps (Please don't take this comment the wrong way since I'm not implying you're stupid but my mate bought a satnav for his motorcycle out in the US and got a package with AMERICAN mapping!!).

    When you go over there is there any chance you would be able to get me some Mavic Aksiums - I saw them on American website for $96 US a pair!! :shock:
  • spasypaddy
    spasypaddy Posts: 5,180
    im tempted to upgrade from my 205 to the 705 when i finally get a job in a month or so. Will it give me directions if ive just got a postcode? Is it more like a car sat nav in this respect?
  • Jez mon
    Jez mon Posts: 3,809
    It can give you directions to an address.

    All in all, I think the 705 is a nice bit of kit. BUT I think it may have been released to the public too early, it has a number of issues although the later firmware updates have helped somewhat.
    You live and learn. At any rate, you live
  • a_n_t
    a_n_t Posts: 2,011
    spasypaddy wrote:
    iWill it give me directions if ive just got a postcode? Is it more like a car sat nav in this respect?

    yup, much more like a car satnav in that respect. You can even move a little pointer to wherever you want to go on the map and it will give you directions.
    Manchester wheelers

    10m 20:21 2014
    25m 53:18 20:13
    50m 1:57:12 2013
    100m Yeah right.
  • Philip S
    Philip S Posts: 398
    Anyone know which shops stock the 705? I'd like to see it in the flesh and play around with it before I stump up any hard-earned.