Light tour on Van Nic?

BarbsH Posts: 14
edited August 2008 in Tour & expedition
Hi, I'm planning a 6 day light tour in Normandy, and am wondering if I would be mad to do it on myVan Nicholas Euros? I don't plan to take much - have done previous similar tours with a saddlebag and handlebar bag - about 25 litres capacity in all, and about 13kg weight. I do have alternatives, it's just I love riding that bike but never seem to get enough opportunity to do so!


  • I'm a complete novice so I wouldn't exactly call my post, advice as such.

    Have you thought of a BOB type trailer or one of those 3rd wheel jobbies, bike would be unladen and once you'd set up camp you could go exploring the country side totally uncluttered.
  • tatanab
    tatanab Posts: 1,283
    BarbsH wrote:
    Hi, I'm planning a 6 day light tour
    about 13kg weight.
    I imagine you mean pounds not kg since 13kg is more than the weight of all my kit for a 2 week cycle camping trip, I have also assumed you don't mean camping since you have not specified.

    Assuming you do mean 13 pounds or thereabouts I don't see why the bike , indeed just about any bike, should not be ok. When I was a pauper callow youth I toured on my track bike on tubs because that was all I had. I suppose the real answer is - don't ask just do it.
  • andrew_s
    andrew_s Posts: 2,511
    A saddlebag and bar bag will be fine, unless you think the bike would break if you were a couple of stone fatter.

    How do you propose to fit the saddlebag? SQR, Bagman, B17, or clamp-on loops?
  • GyatsoLa
    GyatsoLa Posts: 667
    Lots of people have done big tours on roadbikes like that. It shouldn't be a problem at all. In fact, fast and light is a great way to tour. Just be very selective with what you bring with you!
  • BarbsH
    BarbsH Posts: 14
    Thanks, all. That helps me make up my mind - I'll give it a go, with the saddlebag attached via a SQR.