Do I need to torque tighten with torque wrench?

Big dave 3
Big dave 3 Posts: 304
edited August 2008 in MTB workshop & tech
OK, now I have had my CUbe team ltd a few wekks I want to look after it. I have been reading up on maintenance & torque settings for hex bolts seem to come up regularly.

I don't really plan on adding many new components, but was going to attempt to do basic maintenance myself.

Do people really torque the bolts to the required setting with a torque wrench all the time?

I maybe a bit lazy, but I am just wondering if I need to go to all the expense of buying 2 torque wrenches (1 for low torque & 1 for high torque) plus the socket-hex bolt adaptors? ANd find out the required torque setting & tighten every bolt to this?

Is it a necessity for a noviceish rider to torque the bolts?

I can understand that I'd have to be careful with a carbon bike, but I haven't got one of those.

Marin Team HT (customiosed commuter)

Boardman Team HT (customised commuter)

Giant Defy 1 2014.

Ribble Sportive Azzurro
