Cylcocross single speed options

william79 Posts: 42
edited August 2008 in XC and Enduro
Hi guys,

Not sure if this is the right place for this one....

I'm looking at replacing my MTB with a cyclocross bike (gasp!).

I've been commuting by road on a fixed drop-bar bike & now find the MTB to be very cumbersome offroad.

Offroad, I don't ride big drop-offs, jumps, etc, just fire tracks & single track/bridleway type tracks. I think the light weight, agility & simplicity of a single speed cyclocross bike may be the solution. The minimal maintenance of one gear on the commute is great.

I'm also aiming to ride in regional cyclocross events.

I'm considering the Spec' Tricross SS, but are there any other similar priced options?

Anyone ride cyclocross around the Quantocks area?



  • I am also keen to find this out. I read something bad about Spesh back wheel for ss but that was a one-off. I live near lots of rolling downland in Marlborough and find that my MTB is overkill. (Even though it is only a hardtail).

    I have done a few races Cirencester Duathlon and Salisbury Plain Winter Challenge and wished I had a cyclocross bike.

    I suppose in cyclocross races you only race for an hour and so blowing up because of lack of gears is less likely. Running up a too-steep hill is faster than granny gear...?
    Besides if it is going to get to get seriously muddy then a singlespeed will be easy to clean!

    I have only heard great things about single speeds.

    I have seen some other single speeds but cant remember where and I wasn't particularly impressed.

    I am waiting for the 09 models to arrive and hoping to pick up a bargain. Also I may try and use the 'cyclescheme' whereby you get the bike for nearly half price. If that is available then I may go for the Focus Cross bike with discs, only slightly heavier.

    Sorry starting to think aloud- do Ribble do any? Keep your thoughts / developments coming. I am keen to hear what you think, and find out.

  • I've heard about the back wheel on the Tricross, but also an alarming fork wobble under braking. It will be interesting how owners find them offroad.

    I'll have a look a the Ribble range.

    Another option is to convert my mtb to single speed (shed some weight), add a highirise stubby stem, some drop bars & slim tyres (increased clearance & faster rolling), a kind of Cyclo-mtb-ss hybrid. There are a few on the web, as custom one-offs.

    See what anyone else can suggest as production bike options........
  • Would love to do that with my MTB but I think frame is too heavy and cumbersome.
    I have heard of brake rub when converting geared to single-speed. I Might put up a post on this later.

    With your plan at least the wheels would possibly stand up to more abuse???