Allan Davis off to Quick.Step

iainf72 Posts: 15,784
edited August 2008 in Pro race
Dirty filthy doper gets a decent team.

Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.


  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    But he was good on Jonathan Creek ?
  • muggomagic
    muggomagic Posts: 39
    Maybe the DS at Quick step needs a fool to ridicule a la Stephen Fry.
  • grindley
    grindley Posts: 6
    iainf72 wrote:
    Dirty filthy doper gets a decent team.


    Just who told you this news :?:

    Sure Allan will be most interested in your comment :evil:

    Also what was wrong with his current team :?:

    Have you ever met him :?:
  • monkey71
    monkey71 Posts: 24
    grindley wrote:
    iainf72 wrote:
    Dirty filthy doper gets a decent team.


    Just who told you this news :?:

    Sure Allan will be most interested in your comment :evil:

    Also what was wrong with his current team :?:

    Have you ever met him :?:

    Exactly, instead of dirty filthy doper, what about uneducated, gossip mongering fool who doesn't check his facts!!!! Davis was one of, if not the first rider(and one of a very few)who stepped up straight away and said take my blood, compare my DNA. He made several requests, this was even before the Spanish judicial system made their decision to close the case. He was cleared by every cycling body, UCI, Cycling Australia, WADA. Dirty Filthy Uneducated Gossiper, why not pick on the ones you actually know are dopers instead of hurting a guy who was unjustly accused then cleared and was in limbo for so long.....
  • Monkey 71, you're right on the money there! This site seems to be full of Dirty Filthy Uneducated Gossipers with nothing better to do with their time than gossip from behind the "security" on the computer monitor.
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    Monkey 71, you're right on the money there! This site seems to be full of Dirty Filthy Uneducated Gossipers with nothing better to do with their time than gossip from behind the "security" on the computer monitor.

    I am a gossip but I'm not uneducated.

    I was JOKING - FFS. Perhaps you should get an idea of what the posters on here are like before commenting. Also the smiley might have given you a clue.

    No one would touch him with a barge pole this year despite intervention from the Oz federation.
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    Exactly, Iain was just pointing out that anyone linked to Puerto, for good or bad, has been dragged through the mud. The fact that Davis had to join a tiny Belgian outfit rather proves the point no?

    But I don't think you have to meet Allan Davis to be able to comment on him. This forum would be a silent place. I haven't met Ricardo Ricco but think he's a fool, can I say this? I haven't got to know Cyril Dessel but think he rode a clever race yesterday.
  • grindley
    grindley Posts: 6
    Kléber wrote:
    Exactly, Iain was just pointing out that anyone linked to Puerto, for good or bad, has been dragged through the mud. The fact that Davis had to join a tiny Belgian outfit rather proves the point no?
    But I don't think you have to meet Allan Davis to be able to comment on him. This forum would be a silent place. I haven't met Ricardo Ricco but think he's a fool, can I say this? I haven't got to know Cyril Dessel but think he rode a clever race yesterday. really a tiny team is Mitsubishi Jartazi :?:

    Pro Conti look at the programme they ride,if this is tiny team what of conti teams along with teams below this.
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,623
    This thread reminds me why I always look forward to the end of the Tour...
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    andyp wrote:
    This thread reminds me why I always look forward to the end of the Tour...


    Anyway, he's been hired to replace Steegmans - He's going to target Milan-San Remo.
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    Sylvain Chavanel is going there too...
  • bipedal
    bipedal Posts: 466
    Kléber wrote:
    Sylvain Chavanel is going there too...

    Weird to think of Chavanel on a non-French team
  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    Looks like the Davis family just got broadband.
  • Came close in the tour of Limision to wiining the GC,just 1 sec behind :evil:

    Last race before changing on Sept 1 looks like GP Plouay,a great sign off for Mitsibushi maybe :?: