Embarrassing moments.

jenster88 Posts: 27
edited July 2008 in Road beginners
Whilst out on my sunday ride, I saw in the distance 2-3 other roadies just coming up to start an incline, As with most cyclists I found a bit extra in my legs to catch them up.
"morning" I said going past the first rider, "Hi Mate" powering past the 2nd.
Got to the top and found the 3rd guy on the side of the road looking at his bike as if there was something wrong. Slowly I pulled up " are you alright mate?" I asked, Then with that my bike just stopped and I had forgot to unclip( for the first time in years) from my pedals and fell straight onto this guys bike, " are you alright?"this guy asked.
I picked myself up and found the 2 other guys who I had just passed closing in with a big grin on there faces. Then it was quickly on my way.
Just wondered if anyone else has any tales?


  • bill57
    bill57 Posts: 454
    And you're telling people????
  • Rich Hcp
    Rich Hcp Posts: 1,355
    I tend not to [push to pass in case I do something like that.

    We've all done the Clipless moment in front of traffic....

    Giving it Large
  • st68
    st68 Posts: 219
    like forgeting to unclip an falling off at traffic lights in front of a car full of gorgeous ladies all pi**ing themselves laughing at me i felt a right tw@ :oops:
    cheesy quaver
  • chuckcork
    chuckcork Posts: 1,471
    Just bought a new pair of shoes, with new SPD cleats. Kept on tightening the bolt on the pedals up as the springs were too loose and the shoes popping out to easy, and eventually gave up, and put proper Shimano SPD cleats onto the shoes instead.

    Next day, have to come to the first stop, at a bit of roadworks, and struggle with the shoes left foot, struggle right foot, SHIT THERE NOT COMING OUT and then slowly went sideways into the road.

    The BBB cleats didn't suit the Shimano pedals, the Shimano ones did all right, and I'd forgotton to untighten the blasted springs when I'd swapped with the result that they were way overtightened.

    Had to take my shoes off while still attached to the pedals, and then pull myself from under the bike.

    Seriously embarassing in front of Bob the Builder and the morning traffic.
    'Twas Mulga Bill, from Eaglehawk, that caught the cycling craze....
  • Parsnip49
    Parsnip49 Posts: 205
    With the kit most roadies wear, every second is an embarassing moment.
  • nolf
    nolf Posts: 1,287
    Parsnip 49 Go back to MTB Section!!
    "I hold it true, what'er befall;
    I feel it, when I sorrow most;
    'Tis better to have loved and lost;
    Than never to have loved at all."

    Alfred Tennyson
  • boybiker
    boybiker Posts: 531
    I have always thought that MTBers are just jealous because they cannot hang around with their bits on public display :lol:
    The gear changing, helmet wearing fule.
    FCN :- -1
    Given up waiting for Fast as Fupp to start stalking me
  • abbots_mike
    abbots_mike Posts: 280
    this mtb'er knows that anything exposed enough to be on display is not exactly protected.
    Road rash/ kerbs/tree in the delicate areas anyone?
  • Parsnip49
    Parsnip49 Posts: 205
    nolf wrote:
    Parsnip 49 Go back to MTB Section!!


    I belive all of my posts are either in the road and commuting sections - the one that isnt is in the classifieds.

    I dont know about you, but i know that my shaved legs and lycra kit wont be winning me any fashion awards anytime soon - maybe you are just in denial?