sherwood pines...any good?????



  • abductee
    abductee Posts: 189
    Here's a few more photos

    Some fallen trees incorporated as a trail feature

    Entrance to the dirt jump

    A new piece of trail which has just appeared near to the railway if you take the right turn at the dirt jump entrance
    I've updated the route to include this on Bikely if you want it for your satnav.
  • This is awsome! I live about 20 mins from this jewl!

    How does this place compare to say cannack chase?

    Also, can you make a xc day of it around these parts - head off into the wilderness and get sme serious distance down?

    Wow - Im pumped!! :twisted:
    There is nothing more unequal, than the equal treatment of unequals!
  • More Photos

    If i am going out on one i am happy, If i am out on one i am happy, If i have just been out on one i am happy, otherwise miserable!
  • That didnt work.....................Doh
    If i am going out on one i am happy, If i am out on one i am happy, If i have just been out on one i am happy, otherwise miserable!
  • Try Again...
    If i am going out on one i am happy, If i am out on one i am happy, If i have just been out on one i am happy, otherwise miserable!
  • Crap, can anyone help....How do i post these bl**dy images
    If i am going out on one i am happy, If i am out on one i am happy, If i have just been out on one i am happy, otherwise miserable!
  • Ive not used that perticuler site before but I think they normaly have different links at the bottem, 1 for pasting on a website like this and it makes the pic auto open up?? take a look to see if there are any othe rlinks on teh same page?

    Good luck!!
    There is nothing more unequal, than the equal treatment of unequals!
  • abductee
    abductee Posts: 189
    big_tex_uk - Like this ?


    You can edit your previous post and I will take the photo out of mine.



    Follow the dog at Cannock is better than Sherwood Pines when It's in a good state of repair. I went last week and it was quite waterlogged. Some bits are getting a bit eroded and other sections are closed for repair. I think I will wait until next summer when it's fixed and dried out before I visit again.
    This video sums it up but a couple of new sections have been added since this was made.

    You can easily spend a day exploring outside Sherwood Pines forest. PM me if you need some GPS routes.
  • AndyBike
    AndyBike Posts: 126
    Are they opening a new trail soon, Iwas thinking of comming up for a weekend
  • Andy,

    The have built a new xc route at the pines which i think is excellent, its not properly marked yet but you can follow the marker posts(not showing route directions yet) and also someone has put a copy of the route on bikely which helps.

    Not sure when the opening date is for the trail yet, it is mostly complete so cant be long.

    The north shore and skills area is still under construction and this can been seen on the site of the old dual descender and looks good so far. You cant get on it though as there are jcb's and other things on the route.

    Its a shame the Pines Forestry commission dont keep everyone updated better as there are already lots of people using the new route that wounld be able to give feedback etc.

    If i am going out on one i am happy, If i am out on one i am happy, If i have just been out on one i am happy, otherwise miserable!
  • Im heading there this Fiday so thanks for all the intel! Ill let you know how I get on :D
    There is nothing more unequal, than the equal treatment of unequals!
  • wysiwyg
    wysiwyg Posts: 7,897
    Im gonna pop down and see if theyre making a job of this new 'DH' trail soon, saw it the other night, but in the dark and going in the wrong direction.
  • Take a couple of pics if you do so we can all see!
    If i am going out on one i am happy, If i am out on one i am happy, If i have just been out on one i am happy, otherwise miserable!
  • I have to say that after going to the pines for my first time today that I absolutly loved it but at the same time it baffeled the hell out me.

    I just could seem to find or follow any routes, I saw the "blue" route which just seemed to follow a kind oif road? I did find the black route but the arrows did actualy take me anywhjere decent. The great stuff came from just wondering off the beaten sign posted path and finding the single track.

    Is that the way it works? The arrows point you in the fasinity of the good stuff and you have a wonder up and down the singletrack stuff?

    I really enjoyed it but wished that I could just follow a route like at cannack. Or to be fair, maybe I just missed the directions? Any input her from regulas would be great! :)

    I think I found the new down hill section, well part of it. I was in the "black" zone near the bridge and found myself going up it the wrong way. I didnt make it to the top to see where it starts as I was already lost and decided to spend 30 mins redoing a section of it was waqs awrsome!

    Do you think this was it?
    There is nothing more unequal, than the equal treatment of unequals!
  • tonyeynon

    You are right it is difficult to follow at the moment but i think i have the route sussed now and it is great, I think there is definately going to be a coupe of routes as i have seen alternate markings along the way.

    The route will be properly waymarked so you dont blunder around aimlessly and this is almost complete.

    The bit you describe as the black route sounds like the old dual descender where they are building a load of shore stuff, i have not had a proper look at it yet but will take some pics when i am up there next week and post them.

    My Meta 5 is almost built so that will be its first outing next week when she is done.
    If i am going out on one i am happy, If i am out on one i am happy, If i have just been out on one i am happy, otherwise miserable!
  • Rich.H
    Rich.H Posts: 443
    Can somebody give me an idea of exactly where the new singletrack route starts?

    I am famiar with the layout of the car park / cycle shop / cafe etc and also the start point for the family routes and want to head over this coming weekend to have a go at the new trail


  • Rich.H
    Rich.H Posts: 443
    Right, having looked at the Bikely route linked from this thread (many thanks), I think I have worked out where the "start" is.

    Am I to assume that this route is to be riden clockwise (or at least this is the way the designers have set the route up?


  • Rich,

    The start is easily accessed by standing in the middle of the car park on the path and walk AWAY from the visitor centre and over the tarmac road and you will come to the start which is obvious due to the wooden signs stating it.

    You do follow the track round in a clockwise direction. You will see wooden marker posts around the route which somebody has very kindly drawn arrows on showing the correct route to follow (the proper route markers have not been fixed to the posts yet).

    Its a good route and they have made use of the terrain well i think. If you look a couple of posts down in this section of the forum i have put up some pics of the new building going on at the Pines.

    If i am going out on one i am happy, If i am out on one i am happy, If i have just been out on one i am happy, otherwise miserable!
  • Rich.H
    Rich.H Posts: 443
    Thanks for the response Big Tex - all clear.

    I wanted to check as I have riden some of the route but in the opposite direction to that given on the Bikely site.

    This new route sounds promising as not being a frequent visitor, I have found my previous rides at Sherwood a little disjointed and a bit hit and miss. Looking forward to it...


  • willy b
    willy b Posts: 4,125
    Just headed up there today, after not having rode there for a good month due to being in Sheffield at uni. Have to say what they have done is really cool. Got some shots of the "technical" stuff, and a head cam of a couple of tracks.

    Sorry about lack of quality, was from a phone.





    All good fun, but nothing technical.
  • Rich.H
    Rich.H Posts: 443
    Well, quite enjoyed that. Not particularly technical (unless you count holding countless slides through the muddy bits :shock: ) although it looks as though we missed the bit in the photos above :oops:

    I can see the route being a real fast blat when its dry - I expect to be chasing my eldest lad round there in the summer.


  • Had a ride round the Pines today and spent the day as usual cycling aimlessly from one trail to another . . . Very surprised that the Kitchener is not nearer completion ? When does this officially open as some of the sections of it that I rode had promise ???
    Bikes are drugs and Im pedalling
  • The Kitchener Trail is complete you just need to follow the posts.....
    If i am going out on one i am happy, If i am out on one i am happy, If i have just been out on one i am happy, otherwise miserable!
  • I Am sure that the trail would be easier to follow if the posts were actually marked or had some sort of ABS Exterior plastic engraved markers screwed onto them ??? What do you think SCOTTKW ?? Im certain that if we had the directions for each post we could arrange samples ?
    Bikes are drugs and Im pedalling
  • abductee
    abductee Posts: 189
    I went for a ride round on Saturday and took a few more photos. Some sections were still very muddy after about 3 days dry weather. The downhill isn't finished either so I don't think it's worth rushing back until the weather improves and Clicksbys have had time to finish it but it should be great in the summer.

    I notice that the person with the biro has not put arrows on all the posts. Perhaps he didn't find the whole route? A bold marker pen would have been better so long as it's only written where the route plates will go otherwise it will look like vandalism. Someone has levelled a few marker posts with a logging truck.

    Also spoke to someone who accused the "fun police" of digging holes and putting tree roots in other areas to mess up the DIY trail features.

    You can find the photos here.

    What you don't get from the photo's is the size of the rocks. they're pretty big.

    I haven't worked out how to overlay the photo's and the route on the same map yet so here's the route again.
  • Hi,

    We rode the trail using the info off of bikely a few weeks ago. We only found a couple of problems from the marker pen marks, at WP55 it wasn't obvious to go straight on but we ended up back on trail at WP59. We had a bit of discussion about it.
    At WP87 we turned right instead of going straight on, so we had a bit of a short variation.
    Ace route, fast, and gets your cornering sorted in the tight tees. We clocked it at 19.3 Km on two bikes which is closer than bikelys 14.1 Km.
    Will certainly be a good quick training route for my son whos into racing. My daughter is 8 and we did it in 2 hrs 10 mins at a steady pace including a quick stop at the jumps.

    It will be even quicker in the summer.


  • Anybody know what the trail is like in regards to the weather ? Gonna have a ride 14/2
    Bikes are drugs and Im pedalling
  • deadliest wrote:
    Anybody know what the trail is like in regards to the weather ? Gonna have a ride 14/2

    muddy doesnt do it justice

    sorry, it's currently pretty hard going in most parts mud wise
    Scott Scale Custom ... C09729.jpg

    Kona Coilair 2007 Dark Peak Destroyer ... C09727.jpg

    "BOCD - If it aint perfect it aint good enough"
  • tomxc wrote:
    is sherwood pines any good i'm planning on going but not sure...wat do u guys think? :D

    Not really, Dont bother
    Bikes are drugs and Im pedalling
  • I take it you went then?
    Scott Scale Custom ... C09729.jpg

    Kona Coilair 2007 Dark Peak Destroyer ... C09727.jpg

    "BOCD - If it aint perfect it aint good enough"