Non-replaceable dropouts

GeorgeShaw Posts: 764
edited July 2008 in Workshop
I've started looking around for the next bike (isn't that a permanent condition?) and was browsing the details of the Scott CR1 when I noticed that the derailleur dropout was not replaceable, which means that in the event of a crash, I could total the frame.

Is this a common "feature" these days?

Or am I worrying too much?


  • gkerr4
    gkerr4 Posts: 3,408
    i dunno - when was the last time you broke one?

    I know they are vulnerable in a crash but i;ve never managed to damage one - maybe worrying without cause.

    I know what you mean about permanent browsing for bikes - or projects as I tend to call them! - the CR1 is a sweet looking bike too!
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Well my pal bust his gear hanger when flying with his bike. Luckily it was replaceable.

    Its unlikely to happen, but I have heard of it before too.