new bike

bryan71 Posts: 89
edited July 2008 in Road beginners
Well i have picked up my new bike from Hewitts today.KUOTA KHARMA.Very nice i have to say.Just a bit nervous about the clipless pedals as i have never used them before.May fall off a few times.


  • richa
    richa Posts: 1,632
    Some advocate trying them out in an empty car park or similar.

    Should be ok. You will be very conscious about them and will be unlikely to forget to clip out. Therefore you just need to make sure you know how to unclip (it is possible to practice this in your kitchen holding onto the worktop).
  • doyler78
    doyler78 Posts: 1,951
    Best place of all in on a turbo trainer. No risk at all but a field is good. At least if you fall the grass will cushion you a little.
  • ris
    ris Posts: 392
    i rode round the block 5 times just unclipping and reclipping until i thought i had it down. it helped me build confidence but i still tried to throw myself on the floor at the first set of lights the next day!
  • I remember my first time on clipless pedals, fell off plenty of times before getting the hang of it! I'm still no better now- fitted new SPD's on the mtb last week, but they were much stiffer (and secure) than my old one's, so I had a few "thank God nobody was watching" moments!
  • Oh and by the way, you won't be able to live without them now :)
  • Steve_b77
    Steve_b77 Posts: 1,680
    When i fitted mine to my spanly new road bike I just rode round my garden for about 15 minutes getting used to clipping in and out again.

    But then again my garden is a bit on the big side, the lawn is over 30m long and 10m wide so plenty of space to mess around in there. Other than that a quiet playing field would eb a good idea :idea:

    It only takes a few minutes to get used to them, remember to set the release tension at it's lowest setting to start with.

    SPD's on a road bike are far easier to deal with than on a MTB as you're not always looking to put your foot down to aid balance/not falling off and almost never have to avoid trees, dodgy roots and walkers just apperaing from behind bushes on bends :!:
  • You WILL have a clipless fall, consider it a right of passage :)
  • Nuggs
    Nuggs Posts: 1,804
    Top tip - remember to clip out WAY before you need to.

    That way you don't need to panic about getting your foot out in time.

    Also, once you're out get ready to put your other foot off the floor (haul myself forward off the saddle to make it easier to get a foot down).

    Persevere and they will become second nature :D
  • doyler78
    doyler78 Posts: 1,951
    Nuggs wrote:
    Top tip - remember to clip out WAY before you need to.

    That way you don't need to panic about getting your foot out in time.

    Also, once you're out get ready to put your other foot off the floor (haul myself forward off the saddle to make it easier to get a foot down).

    Persevere and they will become second nature :D

    Only thing if you are gonig to unclip early don't clip back in again accidentally :oops:
  • Do you pronnounce it like QUOTA? KU-OTA?