do you shout to warn others where you are?



  • mick851
    mick851 Posts: 56
    what about those dog walkers who have those retractable leads, they walk on one side of the track and their dogs on other side about half a mile away!
  • cheehee
    cheehee Posts: 427
    I tend to find a nice polite....................

    "Get out of the eff'in way before you get mowed over - you eff'in retards"

    ..............usually does the trick, followed by a thankyou and a cheery wave

  • AndyBike
    AndyBike Posts: 126
    I do a Dave Hill always, especially for Jodpur horse types stop and chat, but (I know its an old gripe) with dog owners when I get the Magnuim out. Even seriously considered buying a Dog repeller device, ultrasonic I think, for local rides.
  • i enjoy walking and biking, after visiting scotland. they seem to have a much better system for walkers and bikers,making it much safer for everyone, you get clear signs telling you to watch out for bikers,in this country only walkers seem to matter,
    ps some bikers don't help improve opinions either.
    It's a one horse town and somebody shot the horse,
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,121
    I always shout "coming through on your left" then normally ask if they know where the ski lift / pub is - a bit of a giggle normally works.

    As mentioned above, I have kids so can be the slow one sometimes & appreciate a decent shout, especially when kids wander more than dogs!
  • a17vts
    a17vts Posts: 90
    I tend to give them a quick shout to let them know what side I am going.
  • Get yourself a Hope Pro 2 rear hub, walkers will here you coming a mile away, by the time you get anywhere near them they will have seen you and stepped to one side - works for me !!
    'We go up we go down, this is bull sh*t yar'
  • mick851
    mick851 Posts: 56
    yesterday on my local trail, im ridding along and upfront theirs this bloke with a dog, he sees me and pulls the dog to one side. then just as im about 2ft away he lets the bloody thing go!!!!! :shock: if i hadn't stopped i would have gone straight over the dog, i called the owner a f****** idiot :evil: he just muttered "sorry", so of i rode still swearing and cursing :x
  • Mickey Eye
    Mickey Eye Posts: 590
    Right now the rumble of my spikes is a dead give away that I'm coming. But usually a polite but loud excuse me does the trick. People glare anyway though, but that's probably because in Norway people are surprised if you hold a door open for them let alone warn them that you're about to come screaming past.
  • blister pus
    blister pus Posts: 5,780
    I bull dog clip laminated playing cards, pointing in toward the spokes, to the chainstay.

    The memories, how i larff.
  • If approaching from behind (oo-er :wink: ) , I either whistle, give a yell "coming through" or a short skid usually grabs there attention then once they make eye contact I point to where im going as I find saying left or right just confuses them, however if there facing me and have BLATANTLY seen me coming and still make no effort to move over (especially down hill the bits I enjoy) I have been known on more than one occasion to not slow down at all and do top-gun style fly-bys ha ha !! Sending there thermos flying ha ha !
  • xtreem
    xtreem Posts: 2,965
    I find saying left or right just confuses them
    I'm confusing with that one, not alone the pedestrians.
    So, should I expect to be passed from the right, or I should go to the right side?
  • Eh ? come again ? Now your confusing me you sound like borat !! ( I'm confusing with that one, not alone the pedestrians. )[/quote]
  • xtreem
    xtreem Posts: 2,965
    Eh ? come again ? Now your confusing me you sound like borat !! ( I'm confusing with that one, not alone the pedestrians. )
    Well I mean, when a faster rider is behind me, if he says Right! what should I do?
    Go on the right side of the track, or should I expect him to pass me on the right side?

    Same about the people that are walking on the trails. Should they go on the right side or
    should they watch their right side?

    Any sense now? :lol:

    And I think the best solution is: "Duck, I'll bunnyhop you". :lol:
  • Ah yes I see what your saying now, to be honest I think you should assess each situation as it arises really although the air horns for sale at chain reaction as someone put a link to on here somewhere, seem a cracking idea ha ha no excuses for not hearing that !!! :D

    worked the other day after i'd shouted excuse me to someone, once again on a cycle path'/pavement combi. I think I'm safer on the bloody road!
    Start Weight 18st 13lbs March 2009
    17st 10lbs August 2009
    17st 4lbs October 2009
    15st 12lbs December 2010

    Final planned weight 12st 7lbs
  • mick851
    mick851 Posts: 56
    just been reading the above, me thinking! i bike it to work and part of the trail goes along a disused canal, quite a few walkers use,... trail / disused canal = walkers. so if i get a air should be ....trail/disused canal = walkers + helmet cam + air horn = big splash = £250... 8) whoo hoo!!! im off to get a air horn :lol:
  • dave_hill
    dave_hill Posts: 3,877
    bunnerscj wrote:
    Get yourself a Hope Pro 2 rear hub, walkers will here you coming a mile away

    Absolute cobblers.
    Give a home to a retired Greyhound. Tia Greyhound Rescue
    Help for Heroes
  • Tranced wrote:
    Ditto motorbikes.... sometimes think everyone should spend at least a year on a MB before getting a car licence. Hmmm? Awareness. Pet topic this....

    The amount of times I've said this !! When riding a Motorbike you obsevation skills improve ten fold, after all, your looking out for some car driving idiot trying to kill you !

    Arrghhh, don't get me started !!

    Anyway, I don't seem to encounter any real problems. Most people hear me coming and just simply make space. I always say thank you. When approaching head on, I slow, say morning etc. No drama's, maybe we've just a polite bunch in Essex.
    My Kayaking Blog
  • baba123
    baba123 Posts: 235
    just ring a bell from a distance they'll hear you and they will be able to see you from a distance
    mongoose amasa elite 08
    giant anthem x4 10
  • Great thread, as I thought it was only me that kept meeting awkward, stupid, dog-walking idiots when out on the bike.

    My current method is a loud "EXCUSE ME!" from a distance, and then repeated until they finally hear me and move out of the way. If they move (or make some effort) then they always get a just as loud "THANK YOU", but if they look at me with that "Walkers look" then they get nothing.

    A riding mate of mine has a bell and to be honest, it is totally useless from anything other than directly behind someone. But I do like the Ref Wistle suggestion, so will be getting one of them and giving that a try.

    My pet hates are walkers who are facing you down the trail, see you and move to the same side you are on. I tried riding to the left, and they move to their right. I tried riding on the right and they move to their left! WTF?

    I also had some biddy the other day, on a road, who was getting out of her car and totally without looking walked straight across the road in front of me. I was already prepared for this, so as she walked out I passed behind her calling "Mind yourself". Her response was "You should have used your bell", to which I shouted "You should of used you eyes". Sometimes you can spot them a mile off!

    I also find large groups of walkers (groups of women in their 50-60s are worse as they own the trails) have no idea how to manage themselves when bikers approach from behind. As mentioned about, they scatter rather than all moving in unison to one side, and the ones at the back make no attempt to advise the ones ahead of them. A simple "Bike" would stop me having to shout at them all as I pass.
  • dave_hill wrote:
    DON'T creep up behind other trail users, THEY CAN'T HEAR YOU!!! It's tantamount to creeping up behind your gran and bursting a crisp bag. You just don't do it!

    True dave but it would be fun though!!!! Seriously though the points ya mentioned are right and I do exactly the same, thinking how would I like to be spoken to as I enjoy walking too and I always look out for cyclists and make sure my family & I move out of the way in plenty of time and say hello hows ya ride going etc.

    It sometimes baffles the cyclist that Im willing to talk. :lol:
  • Chaz.Harding
    Chaz.Harding Posts: 3,144
    Just depends on the day I think...

    Sometimes I can shout, and creep right up (slower-than-walking-pace) saying "excuse me" and "can I get through please", and then when the startled ramblers, dog walkers etc spin round and see me practically trackstanding, I get abuse like "what are you doing speeding up to us like that??!" etc etc.

    If I see them on another part of the trail, then yeah, I'll be a bit of a b*stard, and shout "on the right", and fly past...

    Serves the buggers right! :lol:

    Horses, I always slow down for. They're big, powerfull animals. Wouldn't fancy being crushed by one :shock: Plus, in my little village, all the horsey-riders are normally alrite. Always say "hi", and get a friendly "hello" back, and thank-you's.
    Boo-yah mofo
    Sick to the power of rad
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