TT entry question

Richie G
Richie G Posts: 283
edited July 2008 in Road beginners
I'm currently enjoying my first season of TT's and have been fortunate enough to pick up a couple of handicap prizes in open events. However, im in a phase where i keep getting PB's, so a couple of events i've entered now have out-of-date previous bests on the form. I'm mindful that i don't want to be seen to be getting overly favourable handicaps - should i be informing the organiser of improved performances?



  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    Yes, you are supposed to ring the organiser up and let them know if you improve your PB before the event but after you've already sent the entry form off.

    Even though the prize money at stake is probably peanuts, time trialling is a pretty small world and someone is bound to get the hump if they think you are understating your PB deliberately.
  • Richie G
    Richie G Posts: 283
    Cheers for that! I did wonder what the protocol was for this kind of thing. I knocked 2 minutes off my best 25 yesterday, so my previous best looks a bit crap now! As you say, i don't want people thinking i'm taking the mick.
  • BeaconRuth
    BeaconRuth Posts: 2,086
    Have a look at pg 94, reg 13 of the handbook. It explains that if your improved performance was more than 3 days before the event you are required to tell the organiser, but if it was less than 3 days before you're not obliged to tell them.

    Congratulations on all the PBs!

  • doyler78
    doyler78 Posts: 1,951
    BeaconRuth wrote:
    Have a look at pg 94, reg 13 of the handbook. It explains that if your improved performance was more than 3 days before the event you are required to tell the organiser, but if it was less than 3 days before you're not obliged to tell them.

    Congratulations on all the PBs!


    Your not serious there are you. Page 94. Sounds like a riveting read :shock:
  • BeaconRuth
    BeaconRuth Posts: 2,086
    Yup, it's right riveting read. Doesn't everyone have their CTT handbook within arms reach at all times? :oops:

  • doyler78
    doyler78 Posts: 1,951
    Must bear that in mind if I ever decide to give one a go. Will book my copy six months in advance as I am sure it will make a great read for getting me to drop off to sleep easily :lol::lol:
  • Richie G
    Richie G Posts: 283
    Have a look at pg 94, reg 13 of the handbook. It explains that if your improved performance was more than 3 days before the event you are required to tell the organiser, but if it was less than 3 days before you're not obliged to tell them.

    I obviously must have missed that bit! I've rung the organiser for this weekends 25 - they're not running a handicap, so all is ok.

    Your not serious there are you. Page 94. Sounds like a riveting read

    I couldn't believe it when i got my handbook - it's tiny yet with hundreds of pages! Ashamed to say it lives on the coffee table, within arms reach.... :oops:

    Congratulations on all the PBs!

    Cheers Ruth. Still near the back end of the field though, so plenty of room for improvement. I still find it hard to get my head round how fast some people can ride a bike (such as yourself!)
  • BeaconRuth
    BeaconRuth Posts: 2,086
    Richie G wrote:
    Cheers Ruth. Still near the back end of the field though, so plenty of room for improvement. I still find it hard to get my head round how fast some people can ride a bike (such as yourself!)
    Well, the course makes a big difference. It's not so terribly hard to go fast on a DC with a steady stream of traffic and a lovely smooth road surface.
