Best tyre for all round use. Bontrager Jones v Kenda Nevegal

Darra8 Posts: 721
edited May 2010 in MTB buying advice
I am picking my new bike up tomorrow that has Bontrager Jones XR 26x2.2 tyres on it. The bike i have part ex'd for it has a pair of new Kenda Nevegal 26x2.1 on it.

Which will be best for all round trail use and tarmac?

Hope you can help.

40 year old pussy who "still" hates the thought of falling off!!


  • strodey
    strodey Posts: 481
    i've had nevegals and got rid, they are useless in gloop mud it just sticks to them you spin like mad good in dry loose stuff, too heavy for me though!
    Carbon is a mans best freind
  • SDK2007
    SDK2007 Posts: 782
    Nevegals aren't designed for mud :wink:

    They will work great on trails but may be a bit draggy on roads. If you're doing more trail than road then get the Nevegals.
  • vtech1.5
    vtech1.5 Posts: 97
    how much road use ? i do a good deal of road commute a couple of times a week 15 miles each way including some bridleways and tracks,just changed to racing ralphs and they are awesome,superfast on the road and not bad unless it gets too muddy. (better than maxxis larsons though)
    cant be bothered or got the room to change wheels for commute or road use so got the ralphs transformed the bike speed wise plus more comfortable ride .
    wouldn't praise them up if wasn't so chuffed with them :D:D
  • Surf-Matt
    Surf-Matt Posts: 5,952
    Just got Conti Mountain Kings for a similar "brief" and they work a treat.
  • chrisps
    chrisps Posts: 60
    I have a bike with Joness on and they are frankly scarey a lot of the time on single track, fast corners and some decents. They really dont give much grip. On the up side, if you keep the pressures up, they do roll pretty well for fireroad sections.

    Personally though I am ditching them (I have another tread open on here discussing what I should replace them with)
  • jamesbjj
    jamesbjj Posts: 62
    ive got the Nevegals 2.1' on my back (with a nobby nic up front) and its a great combo i would prefer somthing a bit quicker on the back but for rock / trails / roads there awsome
  • Mark_K
    Mark_K Posts: 666
    If your running the Bontys i would suggest going tubeless, i ran them with tubes and tbh i found them scary however i went tubeless and found them OK at around 25psi ! (note i said OK and not good/great/fantastic ect :wink: )
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    The Joneses seem to be a little better in proper mud than nevegals, like strodey says nevegals can be a wee bit cloggy in loose clay/thick gloop (not really a criticism this, very few tyres don't clog in these conditions) but the Jones's open tread seems to shed a bit better. Though I didn't like them at all on hardpack, probably for the same reason, they just don't grip enough for a tyre of their pace.

    Then again, if the Nevegals are OEM-spec they're not very good... I really rate proper nevegals allround but the OEM ones are a different story.
    Uncompromising extremist