1st 10 TT

hothead Posts: 123
edited July 2008 in Road beginners
Well the time has come, I am finally doing my first TT on Sunday.

Any last min tips? Whats the best thing to do the day before? Light spin?

Also TT starts at 1:00PM and i'm off @ 2:29PM so what would be a good time to eat and what should I be eating?

Also (Sorry to go on) should I be going on the turbo tonight, tomorrow & Friday?

Any other tips would be greatly received!! :)


  • sub55
    sub55 Posts: 1,025
    10 miles, if your confident enough to ride an open 10 , i`m sure you can ride 10 miles without hitting the wall. if thats the case ,stick to your usual weekly training regime . 10 miles is`nt long enough to interfer with that . as for nutrician again dont worry. you will naturally store enough gluose for 60 mins worth of exercise anyway. so theres no need for your pasta meal or sports drinks,or gels. dont believe the hype. just make sure your fairly hydrated the morning of the event. my only tip to you would be , dont go off too hard too early.
    constantly reavalueating the situation and altering the perceived parameters accordingly
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    Get in a good warm up. Don't start cold. Then again don't kill yourself warming up.
    Try to relax in the saddle, don't get all tensed up by gritting your teeth and holding the bars in a death grip. Take water with you in case your mouth gets dry or you
    simply need a bit of refreshment - half a small bottle. Spare tube and tire irons in case
    you flat and don't want to walk back to the start-finish. Tires at max. RECOMMENDED
    pressure if the road surface is fairly good. Watch the road ahead. Crashing can screw
    up your time not to mention your whole day. Try to control your breathing - don't let yourself start gasping and choking - keep it smooth. Good luck. Pace youself for around
    a half hour give or take, depending on wind, heat. If you're like me you will probably feel like sh*t through the whole thing but great when it's over. :D:D:wink:

    Dennis Noward
  • willbevan
    willbevan Posts: 1,241
    hothead wrote:
    Any last min tips?

    Might sound very obvious, but keep your head up....

    I find it very easy to drop my head to 'dig deep' as someone has put it before, but you don't want to come off :)
    Road - BTwin Sport 2 16s
    MTB - Trek Fuel 80
    TT - Echelon

  • Richie G
    Richie G Posts: 283
    I normally try to get to the HQ at least 50 minutes before my start time. Plenty of time to sign on, get my number and give the bike a last check. I'd then suggest a quick ride to the start. Time how long it takes to get there (some starts are 2-3 miles from HQ) and check what time riders are starting (my computer never seems to be the right time!). I normally spend about 20 mins warming up - gradually increasing the pace so that the last few minutes are at almost my expected race speed. I try and time it so that i arrive at the start just as my minute man's setting off, slightly out breath. No point waiting around at the start getting cold and nervous! :) I'm in my first season and the best tip i've received about pacing is not to go off too hard. I'm afraid it will almost certainly hurt like hell, but the buzz when you finish is great! Be warned - it is VERY ADDICTIVE! :) Hope that helps.

  • boybiker
    boybiker Posts: 531
    I did my first one a couple of weeks ago, made sure I was warmed up, didn't push too hard at the start and kept my sights on the guy who started a minute before me so I had something to pace myself with.
    Best advice I got was like someone else has said, to keep your head up, it helps if you can see where you are going.
    The gear changing, helmet wearing fule.
    FCN :- -1
    Given up waiting for Fast as Fupp to start stalking me
  • bill57
    bill57 Posts: 454
    Come on then, how did it go?
  • hothead
    hothead Posts: 123
    All I will say is look at post on this section under the title Nightmare debut :oops: