Pump issues

Ambermile Posts: 117
edited July 2008 in MTB buying advice
OK, I have one of those compact aluminium-bodied pumps and thought I was covered until it came to actually using the thing this weekend (three times - don't ask) and it was a dead loss. Problem is that I have double-rim-things (Mach1 6060 T6) and there's really not enough of the valve showing for the pump to get ahold of. Thing is then, am I doing something wrong or do I need another pump? I don't think I can face another mile and a half walk to a supermarket petrol station...

Looking back on previous posts, the one to get seems to be the Blackburn Mountain Air - is this still so, and will I still have the same problem?

The Beastie

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  • warrerj
    warrerj Posts: 665
    If there is not enough valve for the pump to grip onto then it won't be much different with any pump. You could try tubes with longer valves.
  • heez29
    heez29 Posts: 612
    edited July 2008
    try and pull the valve out a little or is the valve at an angle?

    Try and refit the tube just in case its not in right.

    Pump shouldnt be a problem!
  • batch78
    batch78 Posts: 1,320
    You really shouldn't have an issue, the rims are normal, make sure the pump head is working properly, if you can use the airline at a petrol station you should be able to use your pump.

    What is your bike by the way?
  • Ambermile
    Ambermile Posts: 117
    I am going to have to assume it is the pump rather than the tubes here, as I said the rims are Mach1 6060 T6, tubes are standarad Raleigh things... no point pulling the valve out though because it gets pushed back in byt the pump head!

    Bike is a self-build, see below!

    The Beastie

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  • batch78
    batch78 Posts: 1,320
    Assuming your running schraeder valves, the pumps not set up for presta is it? That'd give a smaller hole and make it impossible to fit.
  • Larok
    Larok Posts: 577
    has the valve of the innertube not got a lock ring on?
  • Ambermile
    Ambermile Posts: 117
    No lock ring and no, I am *not* trying to use the pump on the wrong valve... :shock:

    The Beastie

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  • warrerj
    warrerj Posts: 665
    When attaching the pump psh the valve up throght the tyre ??
  • Ambermile
    Ambermile Posts: 117
    Yes, that's what I had to do but once there's a little pressure and the pump comes off the valve (as it does) then that option is no more.

    The Beastie

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