Question about forum signatures + etiquette...

synchronicity Posts: 1,415
I'm just wondering what the maximum number of forum signatures is. I read that there is a maximum character limit of 255 characters (on the profile edit page). But obviously that depends on how long each link is... is that the only restriction? :?

I've already got two, and I feel a 3rd one might be pushing it. The thing is, the latest bike-related link of mine is not commerical (and to be fair I already have a link back to bike radar on it :D )

[confession mode] Alas, it's been a while since my last contribution...[/confession mode]
I notice that not many people are using images in their signatures. Are they outlawed completely?

Can someone please point me in the direction of the rules concerning what's allowed in sigs and what's not.

Thanks in advance...


  • Hi synchronicity

    We're not really policing signatures at all. Life's too short to be honest.

    Pics are allowed, but we prefer people use an avatar cos that keeps the size of them under control.

    If you have an area of expertise and you're offering that expertise in the forums, then we're certainly not going to complain that your sig has a few links to the commercial operation that funds that expertise.

    If all you post is 'buy my stuff' and someone complains about it, then we'll get annoyed, but you're not doing that as far as I can see.
    John Stevenson
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    If the links are too long have you thought about using tinyurl?
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.