Boardman Bikes

davelakers Posts: 762
edited July 2008 in Workshop
Having been on the receiving end of abuse from fellow sportive riders over the last few months when riding my Boardman Bike, its quite pleasing to see the success the brand is getting in the hands of the pro's!!

Not only did Rob Hayles and Nicole Cooke win their respective national Championships on Boardman's but Jo Roswell finished 2nd in the National 10 TT championships on the new Boardman Elite Air TT bike, the bike which has won excellent reviews in this months C+!!

Has anyone changed their minds about the quality of these bikes, or can some not look beyond the Halfords connection before dismissing them outright?


  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    As far as I'm concerned there's never been any doubt about the quality of the bikes themselves, it's only the haphazard nature of the Halfords staff that is the problem.
    I like bikes...

  • davelakers
    davelakers Posts: 762
    Thats always been my thoughts and I was lucky to have a very good mechanic set my bike up. It never stopped the pompous ar$es giving me grief though!!
  • sicrow
    sicrow Posts: 791
    Dave I thought you had got a roubaix earlier this year, or are you loaded ?
  • JC.152
    JC.152 Posts: 645
    I saw at the Stone crit a few weeks ago that Rob Hayles uses a Wing TT fork on his Boardman instead of the normal one.
  • huwy
    huwy Posts: 91
    The Boardman bikes seem to be getting great reviews and the TT bike looks the biz, whats more concerning is the attitude of other people towards somebody elses bike - Just get out and ride surely is the name of the game.....

    I have had some brand snobbery whan riding my Focus Cayo whch makes it all the more worthwhile when I beat them :lol:
  • davelakers
    davelakers Posts: 762
    sicrow wrote:
    Dave I thought you had got a roubaix earlier this year, or are you loaded ?

    I got my Roubaix about 2 months ago, until then i had a Boardman Road Comp which was very good indeed!!

    Certainly not loaded!!!!!!!!!! :lol::lol:
  • LeighB
    LeighB Posts: 326
    I come from a background of motorcycle racing where it is a big help if you have a bike that is as good as or better than the oppositions. One of the good things about cycling is you can be competitive on the most basic bike; the rider is the main component providing the power. I would consider anyone being abusive to a rider of a 'lesser' bike to have a problem with their attitude. I have a very basic Giant with Shimano 2200 kit, not the most exotic stuff but it works fine and when funds are available (mortgage, children etc are very restrictive) my next upgrade will be to a Boardman.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Its very nobby to slag a bike off. There are far too many bike ponces around - spending silly money on bikes that they cant ride properly.

    Boardman is part of the track team support staff isnt he ? And doing an excellent job.

    Anyone slagging off the bikes doesnt know what they are talking about.
  • GeorgeShaw
    GeorgeShaw Posts: 764
    But if there weren't bike ponces, then we wouldn't get the ultimate pleasure of passing that Pinarello or Colnago going up a hill. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

    Mind you, I wouldn't mind a Pinarello or Colnago ... :D